I'm going to vote neither. Neither is serious if take in moderation. Netiher is good for you if you abuse them. Alcohol has its problems. The worst of which is mental impairment that can lead to you ending up in a morgue somewhere. It also fries your liver, restricts oxygen to the brain, lowers your immune system, and lowers your inhibitions. Pot, .. when burnt, produces the same carcinogens that are found in all other burning organics. The potential for lung and throat cancer are there. Pot also impairs mental ability. The most dangerous thing about pot is that it will kill your ambitions if abused ... turning you into an Obama Supporter.
Hmmmm ultimately I think both in moderation are good for your over all health.......both in excess are not good, though one.
stupidest line, most libertarians love drugs and they arent Obama supporters. but i'll let you continue to be dumb. Carry on.
LOL ... I am a libertarian ... and I don't love drugs. It's a false assumption that all libertarians, or even most libertarians "support" drug use. OTOH ... I don't care if you do them, and personally don't agree that they should be illegal. Libertarians are of the mindset that you are free to screw up your life .. it's your choice .. provided you don't take the Obama position of making others foot the bill to take care of your sorry ass because you have nothing thanks to your pathetic choices. But that all said ... that still doesn't mean that drugs are good for you, including MJ.
Fortunately when I was 17, I was aware of the addictive qualities of cigarettes and never picked up the habit. When I was 16 or 17, I told all of my friends that I would only smoke 21 cigarettes in my lifetime and that each would be a special moment (to prevent myself from smoking casually while going out). I said 21 b/c that was my jersey number in HS (basketball) and my favorite all-time athlete (Dalton Hilliard). I used to have the list of the first 10 that I smoked but I've had a few since then also and would be difficult to reconstruct. My avatar pic is the only picture that I have at the LSU/OU championship game and I smoked #11 that night. I do not know anyone that doesn't drink. Not to get political, but doesn't Romney not drink because of religion?
Other than being an alcoholic or having a family history of abuse (which are very good reasons to not drink), I agree with the saying to never trust a man that doesn't drink. I'm undecided whether religion is a valid reason.
I'll help you with your decision: deciding not to drink and citing religion as the reason is for pussies. I hope that you now have clarity.
Not drinking in general doesn't make sense. I have only known a couple people that didn't drink, and they were assholes. Religion is crazy, and I can see if you want to drink, but can't because of religion. If you don't want to drink at all, that I don't understand.
And they wear sacred underwear, no shit. When they die they become a God/Goddess with powers to create worlds without number. Lots of bizarre beliefs . . . The Garden of Eden was in Missouri and all Mormons must return to Missouri for the Final Coming of Jesus. Native Americans are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. Black people bear the curse of Cain, but God changed his mind about that in 1979. Mary was not a virgin, God had physical sex with her. Beards are discouraged (prohibited at BYU), even though Jesus was bearded, as was Brigham Young.