well you gotta slow your pace down a little too. You can't drink crown on the rocks as quickly as Coors Light. Pace is the most underrated aspect of drinking. The times when I got in the most trouble was when there was not enough beer at a party and I felt like I needed to get drunk quickly. One of those nights ended with me running around the dance floor slapping asse.......... Nevermind
I'm working on that art form. I have done well on slowing down the pace on beer. I love whiskey so much (especially in the winter) that I'm going to have to work on slowing the pace down on it, too.
Yeah, I only drink Crown rarely so that might be part of the reason why I love it so much (compared to rum that I drink frequently).
lost Never--have I missed a white boy I never met so much. The three funkiest white boys ever have been subdued by sadness. My heart sank that day. Ain't been right since.