Yeah I do feel like black pants need black shoes and any other combo can be considered what e Italians call "spezzaturra", a purposeful nonchalance.
I always drank shit like Miller Lite and Bud Light and Coors Light. I drank alot of them. I drank them b/c that's all I was ever exposed to. As I grew older and traveled the World (country), I realized that those beers are shit beers and that craft beers are much better and I acquired a taste for the craft beers that I previously thought of as strong and bitter. I enjoy craft beers and I have gained weight. I think I need to kick it back down to Miller Lite.
i went through a craft beer phase as well. now i have tried everything on earth and realize that my favorite by a wide margin is guinness. it is significantly better than any other beer. i am not that classy and still enjoy cold cans of coors lite as well, particularly with football. question: if you can only drink one beer for the rest of your life, what is it?
Me too. I drink the nicer beers but light beers are less heavy and allow me to drink more because of hte lower alcohol content. I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to get rip roaring drunk but still enjoy drinking. Coors Lite is my go to having just surpassed Miller Lite for two reasons. First is the insulting marketing campaign by miller lite trying to tell me the vortex bottle will spin and aerate my beer as it comes out. So ridiculous. Secondly are the blue bars on the coors lite. Greatest thing ever. Bud Light tastes liek bitter water and I avoid drinking it as much as possible.
I drink the domestic light beers with my friends (b/c that's what is usually around) and they are fine. I prefer craft beers and imports and usually get the 6-pack sampler at Kroger if the beer is only for me. I had a few of those LA 31 Canebrake, Acadie, and Noir at the Festivals Acadiens in Lafayette this weekend and they were great. Probably half of my overall alcohol consumption is rum. My taste buds love Crown the way Frank the Tank loves his first pull off a keg. What was the question again?