We shall see. I knew a guy once. Smart giy but not an outdoorsman, or hunter, or particularly handy in any way. He bought a really cheap .25 automatic and was always fucking with it in the house. He'd load it and unload it and clean it and point it at the TV and go "bang". I got up and left once, because he was being stupid with it. After about 4 months he ended up shooting his goddam TV with an "unloaded" pistol. He'd taken out the magazine, but there was a round chambered. He was smart enough to get rid of the gun before he shot himself. It was only a matter of time. Actually, if you can maintain derailieur gears the way that they are supposed to be maintained, you can maintain a pistol. Don't play with it or hair will grow on you palms.
I'm probably wrong. Electing Cobra is retroactive to the day you left your employer though. So if the charges associated with the nose are greater than the COBRA premiums do that.
i can and have, but now my two bikes are fixed gear (which is quite dangerous and requires responsible operation) and single speed. i enjoy maintaining things though, keeping them nice and seeing how many years i can own them. this walther of yours, it s 9 mm?
It's a .380 ACP. It uses a 9mm projectile (it's called called 9mm Kurz by the Krauts) but with a less-powerful (and less bulky) cartridge than the 9mm Parabellum round used by the larger Luger and the Glock.
My recommendation would be to find an indoor shooting range that rents guns and try a few different ones out. That would be a good way to figure out what you are comfortable handling and shooting without actually having to drop a couple hundred on a gun you end up not liking.
Good work, friends. Next question. What has been your most successful strategy for hangover management?
I've found a huge bottle of water and a couple Tylenol right before I pass out prevents hangovers, for the most part..... If you lose all your senses and cannot perform the above then water, Tylenol, more water, cheeseburger, fries, nap in that order is the only way to go the next day......or have a bloody mary for breakfast and keep going, no one likes a quitter.
If it's just to fart around, 380's such as Ruger LCP, Kel-Tec 3-AT. The Sig P238 is a very popular one. I would not have one for defense. There are some you can carry comfortably with more stopping power. As for reliability, Glock, hands down. I'll look for a video on one that shows the abuse they can take without misfiring.