Same here. I can wear blue jeans and boots or even hiking shorts and sneakers most days when I am working in the office or in the field. But most of us keep a jacket and tie in the office for those rare occasions when we must go to meetings or meet with clients. I don't even wear a suit anymore, not even for funeral. A dark navy blazer and black trousers work out fine. I keep about four jackets and they are all I need (tweed for winter, gray linen for summer, navy wool blazer, and a khaki cotton jacket that works great with jeans. I am too rough on shoes to buy expensive dress shoes and expect them to last for 20 years. They may still be comfortable and solid but they will be scratched up and ugly in three year. Life is too short for me to polish my shoes every day. Even then, I scatch them deep. I have a pair of black dress Rockports and a pair of brown dress Rockports. The are light, comfortable 100 dollar shoes and they last me about four or five years.
Ostentatious clothing are a substitute for a personality. Gentleman have nothing to prove with logos and fashion whims. You might be into jersey shore, but refinement and understatement is more pleasing. If James Bond wouldn't wear it, you shouldn't.
Also, your boy thomas Brady dresses like a proper traditionalist as well wi his tailored navy jackets and English scarves.
The Allen Edmond shoe is a much better shoe than Cole Haan. Cole Haan is a good shoe. They are the bridge between the shoes you get at Rack Room Shoes and a great lifetime lasting shoe like a Allen Edmond or an Alden. But to be honest... the high end Dockers dress shoes are made every bit as well as the Cole Haans, and are much cheaper.
I bought a pair Gucci shoes a few years back, boy was that mistake, they didnt last long and were not comfortable.
A podiatrist once recommended SAS shoes to me. They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn, bar none. They are also the butt-ugliest shoes I have ever worn. Women will laugh out loud. Bozo the clown's shoes are not as funny-looking.
Those people are filthy.......I like southern boys, refined when needed, and ruggedly handsome the rest of the time. I never said that wasn't a good look either, I'm diverse....just got a soft spot for the jean/t shirt thing on the right guy......Tommy boy could wear anything short of Bama wear and be scalding hot and even then I'd have to see the specific Bama wear to pass final judgement.