irrespective of who starts, randall or one of the frosh qb's, either russell or flynn is going to get considerable playing time this season which bodes well for 2005. remember, rohan had limited experience when he took the tigers to the sugar bowl. I just think, although good for discussion, the QB position on this team won't be the issue everyone is making it out to be. this team will continue to win with a stiffling defense and a great running game.
SabanFan, objectivity is a trait you were blessed with. To actually almost take a side I currently occupy is quite interesting, to be honest... On a personal note, since you're such a stickler for spelling, grammar, etc...I'd like to inform you of one factual error in your post. It's Randall's FIFTH year at LSU, not his third. He was signed out of Glen Oaks straight out of high school, and has spent every minute since then as an LSU Tiger. Other than that, bravo...
Actually isn't he currently finishing up his fourth year at LSU and starting his fifth year come this fall? :lol: :hihi:
sheer unmitigated flatulence. Ryan Perriloux is a Champion, one of many great HS QBs to herald from the great state of LA, home of the National Champs LSU & Southern University. The boy can boogie, and speed at QB with his size is almost unheard of. Nick Saban wants this kid. Nick & Jimbo have camped out recruiting this kid and are great friends with the young man's family. End of story. What ewe think is irrelevant. Ryan Perriloux will be a Tiger. Nick Saban Jimbo Fisher and eye think ewe stink. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The point I was making at that time was the poster said he wanted to start a frosh in 2004 so that we would be better in 2005, so I was being facetious. The guy wants to write off a year to get one of the frosh or both ready for 2005. Stupid. Just like my opening line about who is giving us the best chance to win next year.
Exactly right friday. Just like last year with Mauck, the QB this year won't be asked to win any games, only not to lose them.
yes all everyone remembers is the Auburn game where he threw 4 picks.....But if you remember correctly Randall ended up thowing just 5 pics that season. He thew 4 aganist AU and 1 in the other 6 games. If you ask me thats not to bad!!