None of the QBs separated himself from the pack in spring practice. Let's see what August practice brings us. There is still a chance for one of the quarterbacks to emerge before the season starts. Matt Mauck showed us you don't have to have a cannon arm to be effective if you manage Jimbo's offense properly. Nick will go with Randall if he can achieve what Jimbo wants from him. One of the freshmen may have more "upside", but if he ain't ready yet . . .
This is exactly what was going on this time last year. "Let's start one Russell or Flynn. Mauck is still hurt, and we don't want Randall..." Randall is still #1 on the depth chart. Period. One of the freshmen may take the job in fall camp, who knows. One of them may end up shining in a game and get the nod. Again, who knows. The thing I DO know is that Nick Saban will start the most qualified player. Don't we trust him, yet? The man knows what he's doing.
It's nice to know that the 2004 National Championship Coaches, Nick Saban & Jimbo Fisher have upteen asst. coaches out there that know best !!
Better to be an armchair QB than a pet rock and have to have someone give you an opinion because you don't have one of your own. Besides if we let Saban and Jimbo do all the off season thinking this board would be a major drag. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :grin: :grin: :grin: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
If Ryan Perriloux decides to go to another school where he thinks he can start right away and likes the school, then that's his choice. I like to think of it as if he was my son and will choose what's best for him. You really can't judge a kid for making a decision based on his personal decisions although most adults do judge these kids and begrudge them for it. Kinda sad.
I hate to say this, but the validation for sites such as these was just made in this rebuttal...The crux of Brett's sites existence lies within that quotation I just made. I could not have said it better myself if I tried. BTW-One more good example for having an opinion: If we let the head football coach make all the decisions and blindly follow him, Gerry D would have gotten the check I cut at Ruffino's on Friday night...Coz he'd still be in town, driving us into the ground like a fricking post hole..
dheadtiger...Tell us who here "in the majority" of the Randall camp say that he will be replaced somewhere along the lines of the season? Give us names! Why is it that no one has claimed to make the statement you've made about them. Who is this majority? I think the POSSIBILITY is there, but that if Randall matures into the position as Mauck did, then we have an amazing chance this year... Think about it this way...Mauck plays in 6 games, is injured, and loses the rest of the year and contact in the spring... Randall plays in 7 games, and is healthy for two offseasons and one national championship season, and goes into fall camp much like Mauck heading into 2003...No longer a greenhorn, but not yet an established, proven commodity. If he's not proven, then of COURSE there could be movement on the depth chart. Mauck proved himself last year when he needed to. Randall will be given the same opportunity, I believe. Whether he capitalizes on the opportunity is pure conjecture on our parts at this time. I think he will, but will not be amazingly disappointed if he does not, and I have confidence in those that are behind him to lead us forward from that point. Please...give us some names there, Slapnuts...
Seeing as how Ben, Lionel, Corey, and Travis are all proven talents, it's kind of ridiculous to lump them together with Randall to make your point.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What do you mean give you names? Damn near everyone that has been pro-Randall in the last few months has also said he would be replaced. Don't have time to go back and search names, YOU know exactly what I'm talking about because you read them too. You gonna make a reference to Chris leak and what he did, when it aint what he did, it's what Ingle Martin did'nt do that got him the job. ALL I am saying is if Randall loses the starting job, it will be because of a situation like UF, Prikkphace
Given all of the crap I take here for defending Brady, I've been reluctant to offer an opinion on the QB situation, but, what the hell. Some, here, are acting like the only start Randall ever had was the Auburn game 2 years ago. 2 years is an awfully long time, especially for a young athlete. The physical and mental maturity over that period can be amazing. IMHO, Randall has one thing the freshmen don't and that is experience. The guy is a scholarship athlete in his 3rd year at LSU, a MAJOR Division 1 program. The choice is a no-brainer. Some of the people hawking Russell and Flynn are the same ones laughing their a$$es off at the prospects of Eli bombing next season because he's a rookie.