It's okay to remain seated during the commercials ... someone will toss you a beer! Guess I'll take a crack at it: [1] Addressing Lee's screen-play debacle, newbie QBs subconsciously hate to see another incompletion - bad for their stats. [2] Lee/Scott combo allows Lee to learn more about running the offense; putting him in the pistol should help his pocket-passing development. [3] Scott/Hatch could provide Hatch more underneath opportunities passing to Dickson, Mitchells, Tolliver, etc; letting Williams and Murphy run more often reduces QB injury possibility for Hatch (who needs an LSU QB to be 2nd most productive back on ground, anyway?). [4] A great coach always treats a concussion as a serious matter. Hatch will be needed later in the season, hopefully not not-so-much vs MSU, certainly not as a starter. [5] And Lee did have a problem with his feet during fall camp. If he goes down for some reason, a healthier Hatch will be welcomed. [6] Finally, who do we want to have plenty of game experience for 2009 season? Should we coach to another season of Lee/Hatch or possibly a more productive year of Lee/Jefferson? Think I'll join you and take a seat. Beer anyone? :geauxtige
Aren't you blowing this just a little out of proportion? Most interceptions look heinous, including Matt Flynn's in the BCSNCG last year. JR also was second to none with ugly ints.
I'll second that...although I don't remember if I've ever seen an LSU QB throw a pick-six. LOL, that's just the luck of the draw, though! Bad timing and bad positioning. The fact that he picked himself up and got those points back PLUS is what's impressive to me.
Matt Mauck threw one at Ole Miss in '03 when the winner would represent the West in Atlanta. Matt Flynn threw one on his first play in the '05 SECCG (right after JR was injured.) I'm assuming you saw those two games? But winning doesn't give us amnesia sometimes.
LOL, I remember the Flynn pick six, now that you mention it. His Peach Bowl performance made me forget it! I was delivering pizzas in '03 so I missed a LOT of games from that year. I only got to listen in spurts when I was on a delivery. I don't miss those times. Day jobs are great!
Well maybe it was a little harsh, but it was pretty terrible. I mean, he watched him all the way out of the backfield, pumped it 2 or 3 times to him while never looking anywhere else on the field until he finally LOBBED the ball over to a single file line of 6 Auburn players. There are no words to describe how dumb-founded I was after seeing that. I am still having trouble comprehending it 3 days later. At least make it look KINDA like the defensive guy had to make a good play to pic it off.
Thanks for bringing that up, Tirk. I could only sit motionless for the first half hour after that debacle, a definite low-point for LSU football--and Curley Hallman, as a human. I mean, Howard's performance was abyssmal, but what in the h%$* was he doing throwing the ball? Our defense had been playing the game of their lives.