Another small but severe case of Pussification of America. Just more Liberals running our once fine country into the ground, playing Tag at recess is now banned at a school in Washington......isn't tag just running and touching that boy you just think is cute?
This isn't something "liberal". This is something stupid. There are stupid people everywhere. Geez, we had recess games where we punched each other on the arm until someone said "uncle!" We arm-wrestled. We leg-wrestled. We played "touch" football and the touching was not terribly gentle. We would slap the shit out of someone so that he knew he was touched and everybody heard it. Can "tug-of-war" be far behind. I mean, sometimes a kid will slip and get his pants dirty. The problem is that we have two generations now of overprotective helicopter parents that never let their kids out of sight, control their every movement, and worry that each bruise or disappointment will shatter their lives. And they are NOT all "liberal."
I realize this touches a sensitive nerve on your end.........I wonder what percentage of these nut jobs are democrats? We can both agree for once, they are stupid.
I wonder what percentage are republicans, as well. I am neither. But the Republicans are running Trump for President . . . Tag. You're it. Except in schools where students cannot be demeaned by being designated as "it".
There are plenty of states, CA included, which have banned all "contact" games on school playgrounds. No football, no tag, no dodge ball, no teather ball. And it's not just the fear of physical harm, educators are worried about the "emotional damage" to kids who get tagged. Good God. At the local elementary, kids can't bounce the ball on their way to turn the ball in....too dangerous. In handball, the ball has to hit the ground first, so nobody takes a big swing and hits it in the air. In a couple years, school playgrounds at lunch are going to look like a goth concert.
The NEA is hugely liberal. The national PTA tends to be mostly liberal. School boards and administrators typically support liberal policies because it helps protect their salaries and raises.