Up here in Dallas, I see tons of people wearing LSU gear or having LSU bumper stickers or license plate frames. Contained Chaos, I assume you were at Inn of the Mountain Gods in Ruidoso? That's a beautiful place.
Close! My girlfriends family has a house in the upper canyon (Coyote Lane, to be specific). I wanted to go see the 'Inn', but it was under construction at the time and we just didn't get around to it. But yes, that whole area is beautiful. On the peak of Sierra Blanca (12000' above mean sea level), you can literally see for days! We could see straight into the White Sands missile range, which apparently takes a couple of hours to get to. Breathtaking. Have you been to Sierra Blanca?
Chaos, I was at Inn of the Mountain Gods in the summer of '98 on a golfing outing with my boyfriend (now husband). We were staying at a house on a mountain in Cloudcroft (about an hour and a half from Ruidoso) that belonged to the parents of a college friend of my husband's. We had cocktails out on the deck each evening and while Cloudcroft was lush and green (with temps in the 40's at night in July), we could see the desert of White Sands, which we drove through on the way to our destination (we'd flown into El Paso to get there.)
Last Friday, I ran into 2 guys wearing LSU shirts in the Univ. of Texas Football offices. Have had more than one good conversation with players in Vegas wearing Tiger stuff. I see LSU stuff daily around Austin, hourly around Houston.
In Anaheim, Cali. I was at Disney Land...family trip. Guy and his son that were in line behind us both had LSU attire on. The son sang "Hey Fightin' Tigers" for me about 10 times.
today while walking in the mall. black guy walks past me and says "yeah man, Tigers gonna do it this year man. Tigers are the ****." I gave him the casual backwards head-nod and said "geaux tigers". I love getting sh1t from people on my ship. SEC rivalry is definetly one of kind.
I spotted some in Cancun, Mexico. We got on one of the city buses and started singing the fight song and chanting "LSU". Then we got on different parts of the bus and we did the GEAUX............ TIGERS! chant from one side to the other. It was frickin' awesome.