No but he isnt coaching any of those teams either. so why not pull for them? Oh and BTW I meant oilers as in dead team. there's no difference, until he announces he is the coach there.
I see the logic flew right over that head LOL why not pull for the oilers, he isnt coach there or at Miami .
You folks are speaking as if he's definitely gonna be a Dolphin. Only a classless jerk would pull against him????? Who's him, cause last I checked Saban is still the LSU football coach. Get a grip, he may not even leave. :dis:
no the logic is he already interviewed with the dolphins which kills any thought that he is not interested in leaving this year that so many ascribed to. Its gonna be Miami or Cleveland if he bolts this year. The poll makes sense yet is rather silly.
It's win-win for me. The Dolphins are my favorite team so if he went there I would be happy. Saban would be a fool NOT to listen to what they had to offer. But my gut says he will not go. Wayne Huizenga will not give him the power he wants. He was given the keys to the Bears and didn't take it. I just don't believe he would opt for a job that would give him less than he desires. I could be wrong but I don't think it is serious. He is just leaving his options open for the future, by interviewing or talking with teams, he is telling the NFL owners that he remains interested so they can keep his name on top for future positions. It is a distraction for the team but I'd be willing to bet he has let them know the seriousness, or lack of it, he is in the coaching position at Miami. If they go out and smoke Iowa...he is staying. If they get smoked...then they are in disarray because he has let them know he is leaving. Either way if we hear about a press conference called unexpectedly it will not be a tell-tale sign. It could be called to dispell rumors so he can get back to the business of LSU football. I do know that he wants what is best for his family also. He has let it be known he would like to wait until his kids finish school before he considers leaving. I'd be more worried if the Saints were courting him. It's only an hour away to practice on Airline Drive in Kenner.
I've always been a Dolphin Fan and always will be. Spent part of my life in south Florida and grew up with Dan Marino, not personally of course. NS would only make me root for them more if he goes there. I will always root for him.