I can't imagine how I'd be able to keep up with a 3 year old on a regular basis at age 40. I have a hard enough time keeping up with him at 27. That isn't to say that I agree with the agencies... however, the key word here is "private". Same applies to adoption costs and non-covered-by-any-insurance IVF.
Well, you're going to get replied to, chief--I think you are chock full of beans. I don't know how old you are, but I can remember how things were before Roe. A girl in my high school almost died from a botched abortion from some woman in Natchitoches. My college girlfriend's roomate cleaned out her bank account to go to Mexico for an abortion and she had a horror story to tell about that experience. Abortions are a serious medical procedure and if you think it's all about a morning after pill, . . . well, you're dreaming. Back-alley abortions absolutely can and will return if it is criminalized again. Take off the blinders.
i suppose i wasnt too thorough in explaining my hypothetical. yes we have some level of prenatal indigent care (i guess, i dont know firsthand). for me all prenatal care should be free to everyone. it would be more efficient for the country. this is not only what i am talking about. the prospective mother should be supported during pregnancy. i knew 2 girls when i was in high school that had abortions because they were pressured into it. they didnt want to but did not have support from the child's father or their parents. i have heard of more similar scenarios since ive been involved with casa. women get in a bind all the time---most end up getting abortions. the people that dont like it should put their money where their mouth is.
Eh. The premise is good but after 7 kids and you're still on welfare I think there should be a cut off. :wave:
how much will the govt be out for paying for care of a preemie or for special ed once they get in school? how much less will that baby with worse prenatal care produce as a member of society for 45 years of working years? how much more likely is the kid with worse prenatal care to do drugs, commit crimes, cause unwanted pregnancies? im sure we dont have good studies for much of this, but i'd bet prenatal care is just a drop in the bucket.
Oh, man, I'm gonna be in deep $hit, then, in a year and a half as I turn 40, when my younger daughter is only in kindergarten. In fact, I don't know how I keep up with that little wildcat now @ 38!