Program to end abortions

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by gumborue, May 18, 2009.


Would you support a new government Adoption Program if abortions were outlawed.

  1. yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. yes, but only if the Republicans push it through

    0 vote(s)
  3. no way!

    6 vote(s)
  1. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    yep. and i dont think it will ever happen either. but IF it did, i would prefer that babies brought to term (and not aborted with coat hangers) have the best possible chance at life with proper pre-natal care and adoptive parents that can care for them if the birth mother cant/does not want to.

    i do NOT want to see us go back to the days of orphanages and warehousing unwanted children. (the foster system is strained the way it is.) and children brought to term have to go somewhere, so why not make them as adoptable as possible by making them healthy from the get-go.
  2. Tigerbnd05

    Tigerbnd05 National Champs 2003 2007

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I got on my soapbox about answering the question and didn't even do it myself. My answer would be yes, I would vote to pay taxes for this program if the hypothetical were to come about. And in case you haven't seen most of my posts, I lean to the right.
  3. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Or you could just acknowledge that your hypothetical is stupid given the fact that we are already, today, paying taxes to support prenatal care for indigent moms.
  4. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Indigent? Many people on the Medicaid system are not impoverished but middle class working women who are unable to afford costly prenatal care without support. Regular checkups, visits, ultrasounds, prescriptions and the like add up.
  5. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    actually, its not so stupid in that if abortion is made illegal, we are going to be paying MORE taxes for moms-to-be to have access to health care. because batty is right, there are a lot of middle class women with jobs but health insurance doesnt pay for pre-natal care, or they dont have insurance. not to mention the indigent.

    and please dont give me the "they shouldnt have gotten pregnant in the first place" argument. pregnancy is going to happen and the argument is what kind of chance do we give the children that would be brought into this world if abortion was illegal. it is my belief that in the long run, pre-natal care is less costly than having kids with disabilities because they didnt get the proper care before birth. or the astornomical health costs for babies born prematurely.

    and no matter what anyone says, healthy newborns are a lot more adoptable than babies with long term disabilities.
    1 person likes this.
  6. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    I have three children. I don't need to be told how much stuff costs.

    Medicaid covers the indigent as well as families of 5 making up to 65,000 a year.

    They took our 3 person (now 5) family off of Medicaid when I started making more than $35,000 a year back in 2003.

    We've reached a point in this country where our deficits continue to skyrocket and we continue to spend. I'd say most of that is due to our habit of incentivizing poor perfomance across the board.
  7. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I seriously doubt 100% of our posters here were planned. Not to mention their own children. Surprises happen to even the most responsible adults.

    :thumb:Amazing how insurance companies have no problem covering Viagra but they refuse to cover birth control or offer affordable maternity coverage.

    A little insight, my current employer's insurance plan did not include maternity coverage. I did some research and it was going to cost $400+ per month just for maternity coverage. That was much more than my husband and I were able to spend.
    1 person likes this.
  8. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Considering the programs and tax rates that are already on the books, please show some facts to back up your argument. Again, this argument only makes sense if there were no such programs.

    I have 3 kids, 2 of which were accidents, 1 of which happened during college when we were making 600 bucks a month all told. My 3rd child was completely well and thusly non-covered by our insurance. I have been-there-done-that, thank you ma'am.

    It goes a lot farther than that. These kids might get excellent prenatal care but then they might be overly sensitive to governmentally required vaccinations or allergic to governmentally provided milk, cheese and cereal, and then the costs quickly become out of control. You have to draw the line somewhere.

    My middle child is sensitive to all artificial colors, pesticides, hormones, preservatives, flavors, and wheat gluten. My grocery bill has been 1500 a month for quite some time now because we have to shop at Whole Foods. What did I do to ensure I could afford our life's necessities? I didn't cry to Daddy Government.

    I went out and got new jobs and did extra work on the side.
    1 person likes this.
  9. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Almost 100% of maternity plans are a complete rip off. Many cost about 400 extra a month, and have to be in place for a year before you can get pregnant and be covered. By the time 21 months have passed at 400 extra bucks you have paid for pre-natel care, delivery, commission for the agent, and a sweet profit margin for your insurance company.

    In the long run it is cheaper to not have the coverage and come out of pocket on the costs.
  10. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Just helping a sister out.

    search page - March of Dimes

    Simma down now.

    You can't tell but I'm clapping for you. :thumb:

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