HFCS is probably deserving of it's own thread, but I disagree in making Gov't the scapegoat. It's the way businesses have more influence over Gov't than the constituents that's the real issue. Corn subsidies are one of many examples of this. The Prescription Drug plan under Bush is another. The answer isn't to shrink government; The answer is to make the government work for you and your interests instead of the interests of businesses and lobbyists.
of course the government is the escape/skate goat, they are the ones paying billions to corn subsidies. if we had to pay the actual cost for HFCS we wouldnt eat nearly as much, and much, much, much less corn would be produced. right now the local farmer who would love to grow spinach for your local grocery store is instead being paid by the government to keep the corn coming. and not even corn for eating, corn for processing into cattle feed or syrup for twinkies. also, the government ideas about nutrition, about avoiding fat (for example directing people to trans-fat laden margarine instead of real butter, which is disastrous) in favor of carbohydrates has only contributed to the obesity problem. again, it is the government believing they know the way to manage things that is the problem. the food pyramid never should have been based on grains, it should have been based on fruits and vegetables. really the dept of ag shouldnt even exist. never will happen. its that simple.
the only defense we have against special interest corruption is to take power away from the government, so there is less to corrupt. bush tried to privatize social security, which makes him a hero in my book. of course big government lunatics were convinced that old people could never possibly buy insurance for themselves. so we are stuck with a massive unaffordable boondoggle. and so it goes. and here we are now, trying desperately to grow the size and scope of government yet again. we can and should reduce the size of government. that means blocking every idiotic thing obama wants to do, and it means electing a real small government candidate next time.
I liked the idea when it was first presented, but how anyone could still support it and keep a straight face after the events of this past year is puzzling to me...
and number 2 becomes constituents, poor huddled non working or barely working miss lead constituents. the rest are holly wood actors and directors :hihi:
I don't follow. What events of the past year make privatization a bad idea now when it was a good idea then? Aside from the election of a President who thinks privatization of anything is bad, I mean.
OK I will . . . if you and everyone else will stop using the tired old cliche "drinking the Kool-aid". I want to hear your ideas, not your ideology. There are several health bills being worked on right now. The Senate bill is more pragmatic than the House bill and much will change before any of them become law. But right now the House bill says that employers with payrolls, over $400,000 will pay a 8 percent tax penalty if they don't offer insurance for their employees. We're already providing it in free emergency room treatment, free charity hospitals, free county clinics, etc. That kind of gulag hospitals and the similar VA system could all be replaced by heath insurance for all. Private providers would do all of the providing instead of government hospitals. People could choose between doctors and hospitals. Veterans wouldn't be stuck having to go hundreds of miles to a VA hospital. Who are "they"? Also growing are the people who've worked hard and still had coverage dropped for a pre-existing condition or because they got laid off and lost coverage or were widowed and not yet 65. You could be dropped by tour insurance company if they ever had to pay out 50 thousand on a kidney transplant. What you mean are people that don't want to (or can't) PAY for health care. They end up in our emergency rooms and charity hospitals and we pay for them anyway.
This is probably the best argument for govt. healthcare option. But I don't think you take into consideration use. If I have something I may use it more than if I don't have it. Thus creating MORE cost. Right?