President Reagan on Socialized healthcare

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by JSracing, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Indeed, i was a numbnuts...apologies.

    Who were better presidents than Reagan in your lifetime?
  2. TigerFanNTenn

    TigerFanNTenn Founding Member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    I'm just gonna say, don't pretend to know me or my intelligence level and leave it at that. You're not worth the time it's taking me to type this.
  3. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Tort reform would be nice, but a same-sex marriage amendment to the constitution would be more likely. Elimination of corn syrup as a sweetener has actually been getting some legs and I think would solve a lot of this country's health issues. IMO, preventative care does not get nearly enough attention and any form of healthcare reform should make it a focus.

    As much as it pains me to say it, Bill Clinton was a better President than Reagan. His timing had a lot to do with his success, but his leadership and ability to get results with a GOP-majority legislature sets him apart from any other President in the last 30 years.

    Fast wage growth, lowest unemployment and poverty rate, lowest number of people on welfare, highest homeownership, creation of FMLA, creation of Megan's Law, etc. He gets a lot of good press off the economy then, but there is something to be said for someone who recognizes a good thing and stays out of the way.

    Of course he also gave us NAFTA and over-saw the widening trade deficit between the US and the rest of the world. It's not to say that he did not wrong, but he did far more good than bad. GHWBush might have been ranked higher than Reagan had he not been beaten by Clinton in 1992.
  4. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Your actions speak louder than your words...
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Why don't you spell out what you're talking about. These little snide comments only piss people off serve no useful purpose. The worst type of smartass are the smug ones.

    The first thing you need to learn is that intelligent, reasonable people can disagree. Your tone suggests you think your opinion is the only valid one.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Let's take this part..."a GOP-majority legislature" and then add this part..."had a lot to do with his success", then it will be an accurate statement.

    Fortunately the GOP-majority kept slick Willy closer to the center and was able to shoot down ideas planted in his head by his psycho wife. There's no such luck this time as the faaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr left administration may just run us into the ground. At a minimum bankrupt for the next half century. must be pretty darn old if there has been a better President in your lifetime. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy aren't in the same league!

    I didn't think we could ever do worse than Carter but we probably would've with Gore or Kerry. If Obama doesn't start getting this administration in order, we may have a new all-time winner for worst. Carter is keeping his fingers crossed. :hihi:
  7. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    got some racial issues there ace? rich white dudes? stepping stones? Are you sure? You've got some deeper issues than health care my friend.

    You havent a clue about the founding fathers. or anything else for that matter. No, I do not plan to counter point anything you've said, and it's not because I am incapable of it, it's because you won't even acknowledge anything martin says as making sense.
    You just have too many political issues to drag into a conversation than anyone can possible argue. You stray way off the subject of health care and start to pick apart the founding father's based on some remark martin said about a high five. You got some skeletons in that closet big time. but this is typical. Have you thought about running for office? The DNC would LOVE you. You drag the subject wayyyy off track.

    then again I dont know........... not even the worst mannered, rudest member of the DNC would belittle and disrespect men of great stature like former president's like Reagan and Jefferson. That is uncharted waters there, congradulations, you've flown far left of the left! :dis:

    I am sure your opinions will be very well recieved by all after revealing the "enlightening" way your brain matter qualifies Thomas Jefferson. Good luck with that!

    I can't believe martin is this patient with you. Id say God Bless you martin but I know it would be lost on you. Bless you anyway, your patience is futile. I honestly don't know why you try.

    The original post was a speech by a great president and it applys today probably more so than it did then. there was nothing "dumbed down" about it unless it fell upon some sort of hearing impairment someone may have. I went back and posted it in text for that very reason. I honestly thought in my naivety that maybe just maybe, someone didnt hear it correctly. but no this isnt the case. sadly.:dis:

    Red, you need to try do what Saban fan said, stop drinking the Obama Koolaid ( or anyone's Koolaid for that matter ) and be suspicious. Don't do it because we said to, do it for yourself. You dont even have to tell us we were right, just cover all bases. You cant afford not to. It could effect your life, more than SabanFan's bacon sandwich effects his.

    We do need change but not all change is good. It can get worse, in a hurry.

    Red you outlinded in your post above what needed to be done, you doubted what Sabanfan said was true.... Are you sure? have you read the bill? You know for a fact that the penalties would keep employers from dropping health care? Just asking.

    I'd trust YOU to run the health care system more than what is being proposed. From what you posted it sounds like you'd have some of the things covered. But sadly as Saban fan said, they dont. they have a different agenda and we CANT argue that health care shouldnt be provided, now can we? Government run health care spells fail, Gov. doing the job with the laws already in place would greatly improve the health care system we have now, but it isnt in their best intrest. Its all driven by $$$$$

    they dont give a rats ass about your health Red, trust me on this. There is already alot of regulation in the health care industry by Government, alot of things could be improved on by changing policy within the system that exists. Medicare, social security etc. There are alot of loop holes in the system as it stands now.

    One of the things that bothers me most is how they are saying "people deserve health care"

    Not everyone DEserves health care nor is it a right, it is a priveledge.
    People that are incapable of work deserve health care, that includes those that are out of work temporarily. BUT the professional Gov leg rider deserves..... squat. and yes they are growing in number.

    where did the notion come from that it is the goverments responsibility ( mine and yours ) to provide everyone that doesnt want health care with health care.

    Definition of those that choose to NOT to have health care.
    1. People who would choose not to purchase it through their employer by choice.
    2. people who are not interested in being employed either for themselves or anyone else.

    Thre are a growing number of people who cant afford insurance but would like tio have it. What to do?

    Idea! instead of changing the whole system.... Indentify those people!
    get a system in place to identify people that cannot afford insurance and what type jovs they have, collect the data and THEN make a policy, dont try to make a policy first.

    And yes high costs do need to be addressed. I dont have an answer for that but I am sure there are people who can.
    1 person likes this.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Question: What keeps Democrats in power?

    1) Hold people accountable and help them earn a living?

    2) Increase the number of people dependent on the federal government?

    I think we know the answer and that's why you & I call it a "privilege" and they call it a "right".
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    it all depends on whether the fears are justified. i happen to believe in freedom and oppose government manipulation of people unless absolutely necessary. i think people have a reason to fear a growing government.

    not me, dude. tommy would hear my stance on religion, my small government freedom, and he would wear his hand out hi fiving me.

    seems unnecessarily mean-spirited to be condescending to the girl.

    this is an issue that i think is illustrative of my point. because the government thought they could manage our diets and farming, they have thrown money at certain crops and farms. this has artificially decreased the cost of certain foods. not good foods. terrible ones. so the solution is not government, the government itself is the problem. it was the government who made HFCS so cheap that it is in everything you eat. they thought they could manage it. they couldnt. they ruined it. they artificially cheapened miserable products and crushed healthy small local farms.

    so the "solution" is the problem. and this is almost always the case with government, which is why you should do everything possible to manage things privately unless is absolutely impossible.
  10. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Why does that 'pain' you?

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