President Obama forces GM boss Rick Wagoner to step down

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Maybe you should have spent your younger years working on elevating yourself to something higher than a blue collar plant worker. Did the rich not bother you back then?
  2. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Exactly what should it tell me? That they're good with money and they have worked hard to get where they are and shouldn't be punished any more than you should?

    That's not it at all. Some of these guys were asked to straighten these things out and had nothing to do with CDO's and CDS's. You're making assumptions.

    yes you do care what they make, that's why you said....

    You are the one who is declaring class warfare by saying these guys shouldn't get paid because of their current wealth

    Why is it any different between a guy making 35k/year and a guy making 750k/year? Why should we punish a guy just because he has the ability to make 750k/year? Why is he a bad guy? Why should we expect him to work for free? Because he can afford it? I'm sorry, but that's bull**it.
  3. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    I spent my younger years getting an electrical engineering degree from LSU, thank you very much.

    The rich don't bother me, the fact that the gap between the very rich and the middle class is exploding does.

    You know what happens when you assume.
  4. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Class envy is unbecoming. You would be well served to concentrate on yourself and let others do the same.

    There has always been "the very rich" and there always will be.
  6. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    I just don't understand why so many feel the need to defend them here. Show me one post where you have come to the defense of blue collar workers, who have seen their real wages shrink.

    I don't envy them. I think that the playing field is unfairly slanted in their direction, especially under republican rule.

    How do you explain the growing gap between the very rich and the middle class?
  7. LSUAthletics

    LSUAthletics Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    If a rich person has 10 million invested and gets a measly 2% annual return that equates to a $200,000 return in which that alone widens the gap. Under what circumstances would the gap not increase? Other than a near 100% top tax bracket for the rich how would you expect the middle class to make up any ground or even stay even?
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't understand your beef. Who cares what the "gap" is? If a billionaire becomes a millionaire and I remain the same am I better off because the gap is smaller? Who cares how rich the rich are? I don't get any of their money and they don't get any of mine. We don't travel in the same circles so I don't have to deal with them. What possible difference does it make in your life?
  9. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    The answer to all of this is simple, but very painful. So that makes it very unpopular. But it doesn't make it wrong.

    Don't bail anything out.

    Let the failures fail. Let the market adjust itself.

    Some good, responsible people may suffer - but very, very few. In reality, they'll just have to redefine their standard of living for a bit (which is what got them in trouble in the first place).

    Mostly, morons who spent money they didn't have and took risks they couldn't afford will suffer. Morons of all economic classes, including fat cats, politicians, and high school janitors with 5 BR, 4 Ba homes on interest only, ARMs....

    Let the pain fix the problem.

    Why won't it happen? Because we elect around 468 morons every two years to run the joint and they're worried about their phoney-baloney jobs.

    So. You want socialism? You get socialism.

    Enter Barney Frank and the rest of the looney bin...
    1 person likes this.
  10. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Socialism. We haven't been saying the word enough. We're going to start hearing it a lot more. Even from CNN.

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