Hhhhmmm....seems as though I've heard this before right before the second meeting with the Dawgs last season. I'm sure if we beat them again this season, we'll be hearing it again before the SECCG (if both teams make it) The funny thing is, all I heard was how tough it is to beat a highly ranked team like UGA twice in a season, but the second time was much easier than the first. Go figure. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
Hmmmm....how can you say no way when it's already been done? Wasn't CTT the coach in '02? Wasn't JC the QB in '02? Thought so. JMO, but I believe it would be a difficult prediction to make given the uncertainty of AU's new offense and new OC. LSU will be the team to beat, without a doubt. I'll be pulling for Auburn, but until I see what the O-line will look like, all bets are off.....
Well you know, all I can say is, never say never. Anyone in the SEC should know that by now. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
At this point of the preseason all of the games have me worried. Should we win almost everyone, yes we should, but it wouldn't be the first time a team lost several games or at least a few that they should have won. While I do think Saban is a very good coach I am also reminded that he is the same guy who coached us to 5 losses the year before. Granted we missed Mauck a lot and James also but our defense sucked and 1 guy shouldn't have made that much difference. Also, The way our defense played at the end of the UK game only to bailed out by a miracle stays fresh in my mind. So I will always be the worry wart, nevere expecting to blow out any team except for the cupcakes and fretting over all others. Funny though, the only game I really worried about last season was the UF game, too much national media picking us and too many Tigers saying it was our chance to blow UF out. Then before the SEC CG I wasn't calmer than I had been in years before a big LSU game and we beat the ever living $hit out of em. I actually think the turning point in our entire season, other than the obvious Mauck to Green TD pass vs UGA, was Tubby going for that first down and Chad stuffing Williams. If they don't run that play I am convince our season would not have went so well.
Worst case scenario we lose 3 games this season IMO (that is counting only the regular season). Our losses are either going to be Florida, Georgia, and/or Auburn. I know some people don't see Auburn happening, but it's a tough road game and I don't feel comfortable with our QB situation yet. Maybe I'm just having flashbacks from 2002 there, but our defense is a lot better than it was then too. If Ole Miss was at Oxford I would be more worried, but at home I don't see us losing (I know history doesn't really support this, but it's how I see it). I just don't see us having trouble with Arkansas. By now we should just have more superior talent so we don't struggle with them. Oregon State might be closer than some think, just because it is the first game of the season. It is definitely a win though. So in conclusion, I say we have 2 losses, 1 from UGA/FLA, and the other being a semi upset/letdown game. Not sure who that is against right now though (I know I said Auburn before, but I'm not sure about that now. I really don't think their offense is good enough to beat us). If we get better QB play than I'm expecting, I wouldn't be suprised if we only lose one though.
I am laughming my ass off tonight. Any of you live in So.Cal.? Did you hear Lee Hamilton's rant about Mike Williams? Talking about how good it is? To wrap up the rant, he says the reinstatement should be good enough for a pre-season #1. I hope he is right! :thumb: How many pre-season #1s end up finishing #1? SI anyone? Dumbarse. I like Hacksaw, but, dude, quit kissing up to USC. Even the idiots on the SCSR were talking tonight about USC winning a consecutive national championship this year. Bleh. I am going to wear my LSU championship t-shirt this weekend. :lol: