Damn, I was waiting for tellshow to get his butt going with his projections. Nice to see he is agreeing with me. LSU in the championship. Get your tickets for January 8th, not January 1st. Thanks.
working on it, but i am burnt and so many threads to respond to I will have something up within the hour
Take two more Advil, a shot of Crown, ignore the other threads and keep on crunching the numbers. Hell, I'm up 2 hours past my normal bedtime. Be tough brother, be tough. :thumb:
Here is Rich Tellshow, a reliable source 1. VTech........... .970 2. LSU.............. .950 3. Ohio State..... .930 4. Missouri......... .860 5. Georgia.......... .790 6. Kansas.......... .740 7. Oklahoma....... .730 8. WVU............. .730 9. Arizona State.. .720 10. USC............. .710 Based on these numbers, which closely resemble mine (except I have Georgia taking a slightly bigger hit in the computer polls) What this means is that OU and USC are out of it completely. Forget it. It's done. Stop worrying. Herbstreit and May talking human polls only, and have no clue as to this projection. If the human polls stayed as they are regarding the relative positions between LSU, VTech, and Georgia from this past week's polls, we would have the battle for #2 as: 1. Virginia Tech...... .7593...... .7740....... .970 = 2.503/3 = .8344 2. LSU.................. .7720...... .7560....... .950 = 2.478/3 = .8260 3. Georgia............. .8309...... .8213....... .790 = 2.442/3 = .8141 What's abundantly clear is that Georgia has lost all of it's advantage over Vtech and LSU just due to the computer polls shifts. Just what I expected. So you believe Georgia sitting idle will GAIN in the human polls over LSU and Vtech. No way on God's green earth. Georgia is done. We only need a few votes to shift from Vtech to LSU's favor. When all is said and done and that 41 point victory is remembered, LSU will get more than enough to place the mighty LSU Tigers at #2 in the BCS.