Predicting Trump's cabinet and other appointments

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by islstl, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Talk about Carson being over HUD
  2. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I deal with them at times. They're very slow moving and deliberate. I can't imagine how bad it would be with him.
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    You are an idiot in any forum in fact you could be an idiot anywhere as an idiot you have international potential.
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Climate deniers, climate deniers? now I have finally figured you out you are a totalitarian liberal jackwad. So anyone who dissagrees with you that when the climate changes it's our fault is a heritic or denier. What a fucking clueless ass kissing follower you are. If you would have been around in the 14th and 15th century you would have burned Corpernicus and Galileo at the stake for "denying" that the Sun revolved around the earth. Dont think you have the guts but try googleing those 14th century astronermers. Try watching some other TV other than CNN OR MSNBC. Try a website called Climate Depot, you want but at least I told you about it.The very nature of climate is that its always in a state of change. The earth is 4.5 billion years old and man has only been measuring temp half ass correctly for less than 100 years. The planet was much warmer than it is now during the Roman era and again around 1000 AD. Greenland was named Greenland by the Viking's because it was lush and green when they discovered it year 1000 now it is not at all very green. We are still warming from the last Ice Age which ended a short 12,000 years ago. Hey Al Gore I mean Lasalle what caused the last Ice Age to end?

    Climate Change, which you assholes conveniently renamed from global warming, was renamed because the earth's climate was not cooperating with your and their lie. Climate Change is just a liberal scam to control citizens personal wealth and take our freedoms and destroy our Constitution.
  5. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Climatedepot is run by Marc Morano who has been in politics most of his life and has no education in climate science.
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Marc Morano may be a politician but so is your hero Al Gore and the climate hustlers at the UN who's sole purpose is to extract money from the US citizens with a world carbon tax. There are a millions of questions I could ask you that destroys your argument but try answering just a mere two of em. They are both very elementary and simple questions. You will run and hide I predict you cant hang with me and certainly cant hang with Marano on this giant cluster fuck liberal totalitarians like you and the democrats are trying scam us with and shove up ours the worlds ass.

    1. The Great Lakes were once glaciers and are now lakes formed when the glaciers receded at the end of the earths last Great Ice Age. The Ice Age started to end 14,0000 years ago, what caused the Ice Age to end?.
    2. What caused the last Great Ice Age to begin?

    You will have no answer and will run and hide or call me names like all liberal sissys always do. "Go ahead make my day" images-46_resized.jpeg and start a debate with me.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
  7. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I will call you names? Dude you just called me three or four names in one post. The reason people don't debate you is that you are all over the place and don't have a cohesive argument. I will try this once but I suspect you will ignore every word of it and call me a "liberal totalitarian" again whatever that means. And first, let me point out that I've never been called a liberal except on this board when I say Donald Trump is not fit to be president and that man made climate change is real. I have voted for a democrat once in my life. The other thing that is interesting is that I didn't even bring up anything but to point out the guy has no education in climate science and that is enough for you to go on a psycho rant about how Al Gore is my hero even though I didn't vote for either Clinton or Gore.

    So to answer your first paragraph above, yes Al Gore is a politician, and yes the UN is full of politicians. However, climate scientists, who virtually unanimously agree that the extreme change in climate that we are undergoing is due in part to human activities, are not politicians.

    To answer your numbered questions

    1. No one is certain what causes ice ages or makes them end however the general consensus is that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is what creates ice ages and then, when in more abundance, warms the earth back up.
    2. Most likely a drop in CO2 levels as I outlined above

    I'm not sure how this disputes human effects on climate change as there is no question that humans release enormous amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    So why don't you answer me some questions

    1. What caused the ozone to have a growing hole in it back in 1985
    2. How did we reverse that trend to get the ozone to repair itself over the past fifteen or so years.
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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  9. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    God help us. Who's next, clay higgins?

    You don't have a problem with this?
  10. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    [QUOTE="mobius481, post: 1598162, member: 8347"]I will call you names? Dude you just called me three or four names in one post. The reason people don't debate you is that you are all over the place and don't have a cohesive argument. I will try this once but I suspect you will ignore every word of it and call me a "liberal totalitarian" again whatever that means. And first, let me point out that I've never been called a liberal except on this board when I say Donald Trump is not fit to be president and that man made climate change is real. I have voted for a democrat once in my life. The other thing that is interesting is that I didn't even bring up anything but to point out the guy has no education in climate science and that is enough for you to go on a psycho rant about how Al Gore is my hero even though I didn't vote for either Clinton or Gore.

    So to answer your first paragraph above, yes Al Gore is a politician, and yes the UN is full of politicians. However, climate scientists, who virtually unanimously agree that the extreme change in climate that we are undergoing is due in part to human activities, are not politicians.

    To answer your numbered questions

    1. No one is certain what causes ice ages or makes them end however the general consensus is that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is what creates ice ages and then, when in more abundance, warms the earth back up.

    So your answer is that CO2 levels that are less causes Ice Ages and more causes warming. So what caused the earth to warm during the age of the dinosaurs the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. If as you say it was CO2 did man and SUVs cause the warming?

    2. Most likely a drop in CO2 levels as I outlined above

    So did man cause the drop in CO2 levels to begin the Ice Age?

    I'm not sure how this disputes human effects on climate change as there is no question that humans release enormous amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    If massive amount of CO2 created by man is causing rapid warming then why was it warmer during the Midevial Warm period and the Climate Optimum during the Roman Era? There were no factories, SUVs and such during those 2 periods.

    So why don't you answer me some questions

    1. What caused the ozone to have a growing hole in it back in 1985

    How long has man had the technology to measure the size of the ozone hole? The earth is 4.5 billion years old how do we know this is not a cyclical occurance or just part of the earths ebb and flow. If its worst now than why isnt the hole here now and much much larger?

    2. How did we reverse that trend to get the ozone to repair itself over the past fifteen or so years.[/QUOTE]

    Who said "we" reversed it. As I said above we have had the technology to measure such things for what maybe 40 years and we are so arrogant that we think we can fix it. This may be a naturally occuring event keeping in mind that the the earth is 4.5 billion years old and we have measured only 40 years of data about the ozone hole. Speaking of "we" do you actually believe man has the power to change the earths climate? Do you actually believe politicians or scientist have the power to make it hotter or colder for us here on earth? Aren't you acting like God to think "we" have power over the climate?

    I am pleasently surprised you answered my post and I commend you for it.

    Now a couple from me

    1. Why did the democrats and the media change Global Warming to Climate Change?
    2. In 2005 the NASA Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that long term increases in solar radiance is heating both earth and Mars simutaneously. Same thing was noticed by National Geographic scientist in 2007. Why is Mars warming at the same time as earth?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016

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