Insurance is not a health savings account. If you want that get a high deductible plan where you save a lot on the premiums and can stash the savings in a pre-tax account until you need it. You are far less likely to get dropped from a high deductible plan, as a substantial portion of the risk is on your shoulders.
ok, then it needs to stop being a business. Fat Cat's shouldn't profit from someone else's misery anyway.
This is the most accurate statement in any of the healthcare threads that I have read. To me healthcare should be in line with Police, Fire, and Education. We effed this up from the beginning and let people get rich off what should be a public service.
maybe so, maybe it is our duty as human beings to help out our fellow man. Because when the shoe is on the other foot, i bet you would want to be helped also. Why can't the taxes i already pay go to healthcare? Why can't the government take the taxes i already pay and put it in a trust fund for the healthcare of my family and myself. How come the atheist here is the only one who doesn't mind helping out other people, and not leaving them to die. Isn't that something all you "christians" should be wanting to do? its funny, you are all probably pro lifers too, so lets save a fetus but once you are born, screw you right?
Geez. Why don't we just become one big ole social club. I'm all for helping those that can't help themselves but there are some liberal hearts bleeding like stuck pigs in this thread.
I don't believe the government should be taking over health care. In fact, I pray that it doesn't happen. However, I do believe that there should be some insurance company regulations put in place to protect hard-working citizens.
it is not our duty. it is our duty to leave our fellow man alone. if we feel like helping out, thats nice, but is not some moral imperative. it isnt that the other folks here do not want to help out other people, it is that dont want to force everyone to help out. if you and i want to give to the old folks home, thats wonderful, we deserve a nobel peace prize. but we are not really justified to force others to do like us.