if i have to pay ten dollars more a month or a paycheck, so some old lady can get hip replacement surgery or something like that, i do not mind at all. Eventually that will be someone i love, or even myself. You know, being on this board and listening to all of this, or reading it actually, my bad, is making me lean more towards government control of healthcare. As long as they do it the right way.
Your willingness to pay is fine and your opinion. But should your opinion be pushed onto others. I'd rather see a dual option at the very most. You want in the system. Go for it, pay for it. If you don't. Then don't.
I doubt you truly understand exactly what happens (insurance-wise) to some people when they do experience serious illness. Medical treatment for serious illness costs thousands upon thousands of dollars. By your faulty illogic, patients should be able to afford it insurance or not. Person gets seriously ill in 2007 while currently paying premium of $700/mo. they get a new rate for 2008 of $1500+ per month. No big deal, just increased risk. It's understandable. You've paid 500+ per month your entire adult life to your insurance company. In 2007 though, they had to pay 30k+ for some of your medical expenses. Of course they are justified in doubling your monthly premium. Makes perfect sense! ................ to the illogical Rex
You pay for insurance a certain period at a time for the risk associated with it. If you can't agree to that then I'm not sure what else to say..
No need to say anything else. You words in this thread already indicate a lack of a conscience, much less common sense.
You can talk economics and rick management all you want. I'll raise you human decency and common sense. While you may be amused, I am truly sad for you.
Some of you are confusing Insurance companies with charitable organizations. Insurance is a for profit business. It operates by the law of large numbers. In theory, if you collect a premium from a million people and only have to pay out to 250,000 people you will make money. They calculate premiums with risk analysis. The higher the risk, the higher the premium. Insurance companies are highly regulated and must treat premium paying customers in good faith. They do not take an oath to sacrifice profits so that the needy don't suffer hardships. It's been that way for over a hundred years before Obama and it's going to be that way for hundreds of years after Obama.