Apparently you didn't read my post. I don't think they should drop your insurance if you forgot to list something that has no relevancy on your current disease or if you forgot to put your middle name or initial a certain page. Now if someone didn't have insurance, got a condition, and then went to get insurance you better believe I wouldn't want that person coming on my health plan as a CEO, shareholder, or even a policy holder b/c its going to do nothing but increase costs and those increased costs will have ill effects on those other 3 groups.
then maybe the government does need to take over, then they wouldn't have to worry about covering sick people anymore.
Wow. Nice civil argument here. You know what. So be it. If I do experience it I understand the logic of the system not complain about the illogical..
Indeed, civility at its finest. What's the point of insurance if it is not available when you need it most?
If you paid for it during the term of when you needed it then you don't have a problem. That's is the whole point of insurance. Pay for a risk. I have paid for car insurance for many years now with no accidents, does that mean if I dropped the coverage got into a wreck that the insurance company is still covering the risk? Nope.
Why would you get the money back? You paid to for the risk coverage of that period. You hedged a bet and nothing happened. I think you may be confused as to what insurance means?