mancha said: ↑ “I assume (b/c I haven't read it all yet) that income levels will determine what healthcare package you should get that is deemed appropriate by the US government.... mancha said: ↑ “The richer you are, the more healthcare tax you will now pay... I don't know what the deal is but I never said those things. I disagree with the court's ruling and Roberts opinion. I haven't commented on the health care bill.
Sorry, poor use of the copy-paste function. My copy key is sticky and I sometimes inadvertently paste an old copy. Evidently Governor Jindal is against it, no matter what the supreme court says.
Red I'm confused how you quantify this as only a tax freeloaders have to pay? So no cost will increase for me? I find that hard to believe.
Not Red but my understanding is that if you currently have health insurance then nothing will change. I think what Red means is that only those who do not carry health insurance will be taxed under the act. if you have health insurance then there will be no tax.
But it will change. The government will decide what health insurance companies can offer, if their plan doesn't change, you will be forced to change or pay a "Tax". They will do this for company plans as well..
of course they jumped. If congress came out and said everybody had to start using charmin toilet paper that stock would jump also. now that SCOTUS has determined that obamacare is a tax congress can repeal it.
from what I read if you have whats considered a cadillac plan you will pay 40% more on your premium. and if it's such a good deal why are unions and major campaign contributors getting to opt out of it?;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZ2l1cGd1BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0RGUjVfNzc-/SIG=13mu3cnnb/EXP=1341043133/**
My premiums are going up 23 percent on 7/1. They went up 18 percent last year. They went down the 2 years before 2010.