PPACA (Obama Care) Upheld by SCOTUS

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by KyleK, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    It's sounds to me like you have some animosity toward academia in general and this is not surprising. You and Pride both like to start cursing and carrying on when you are out of ideas. Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe we "DEMOCRATS" as you called us are just better debators?
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Cool article, how about you list the one were Americas coal industry is moving to China, the pipeline from Canada is still not happening. Obama ships just as many jobs overseas with his ideological policies as Romney has with his prior private sector job. China even is drilling off the coast of Florida, you can see it from the coast.

    Or better yet, do you even know who Obama’s job CZAR is? Take a stab and do some research, he sends jobs to China and escaped paying taxes…

    “July 27, 2011. Beijing. Workers are celebrating in the streets and thanking America’s Jobs Czar for moving so many high-paying, high tech jobs to their communities today. The only problem is, they are Chinese workers throughout China. Jeff Immelt is not only President Obama’s Jobs Czar, he is also the CEO of General Electric.”


    Again, all you have done here is tell me why YOU need to PROTECT people FROM other people who happen to have money.

    By all means, if you think you are to F’n dumb to live your life and set your own wage with your employer, call the government.

    Not all, but it is my opinion that most Democrats think they can fix the world. Just like price controls, all you really do is hurt more than you help.
    gyver likes this.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm not a Democrat, peabrain.

    Speaking of "don't know shit . . ."
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No, you and Red are just good and fliping the subject when you cannot respond.

    Prime example was yesterday when you turned my comment into social issues when I talked nothing about that..
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    First, before we move on let me re-iterate the fact that I am not a democrat, I am an independent voter. I have voted for Republicans several times before and will likely do so again once the Republican party gets their head out of their ass and tell the radical side of their party to piss off.

    The problem is that you guys like to call anyone who isn't a Republican or Conservative a Democrat or a Liberal. The Republican party has moved so far to the right that I sometimes wonder how long it will take them to realize that they are falling from relevance by not adopting more forward thinking policies on social issues and a more realistic stance when it comes to economic issues.

    I do not have to turn an issue around. Most issues are far more complex than you would like to think. It is just like a Republican to try and over simplify something that is complex by it's nature. I think what you call "turning an issue around" is more so Red and I presenting all the nuances of a particular issue rather than allowing you to continue to rant and curse and regurgitate talking points from Fox & Friends, Rush, Hannity or O'Reilly.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    OK, I'm a registered independent and always have been. I have voted for as many republicans as I have democrats in the last 40 years. I swing from right and left over time depending on who I think is more pragmatic and leans towards the center. Never radical right or left, but left and right of dead center.

    Currently, I am definitely left of center because this Republican party is not Reagan's Republican party. He wouldn't even recognize it. Since 2000 I have rarely voted republican because the Neo-cons took it in a bad direction and now the Tea Party is taking it even further to the extreme radical right.

    There are things about the Democrats I do not approve of. I have always despised the Teddy Kennedy extreme left. I do not miss that fugger. I have always embraced the moderate populism of Bill Clinton and Hillary as well. Hillary was who I supported, not Obama who stands between Clinton and Kennedy on the political spectrum. Neverthess, Obama is FAR closer to the middle than the Republicans right now, so I support him. He is Not The Republican. Yes, there are things about Obama that I do not like. I will share them if you will admit to anything that you think Obama got right.

    McCain in 2000 was the last pragmatic Republican moderate that I supported, but he had to move way right to get the nomination in 2008 and he lost the moderate independents to Obama. Romney, is a mystery to me and probably to you as well. He's never held national office and has no track record as such. Like Kennedy before him, he's fabulously wealthy and completely out of touch with average Americans. He's a Mormon, whom many suspect may put his religion above the best interests of the country. He's a flip-flopper on Health Care and abortion and other issues giving him trust and truthfulness issues. He seems like a used car salesman when speaking. I give him points for supporting a Health Care bill in Massachusetts. I take points away for his role at Bain Capital firing workers and sending jobs overseas. I'm not sure if he's intellectually prepared for the Presidency either.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    OK so Bain, he fired works from a failed business THEY invested in.

    What is wrong with that? Again, it seems to me that you and others are simply against the free market and look to PROTECT people from their failed actions.

    If a business is failing and it can return to profitability by sending it overseas, what is the problem?
    The problem is to you, I obnoxiously presume, is that it hurts American workers, however it is within the legal rights of the American business owners. On the flip side, those same American workers who have lost the job lost it not only to greedy money hungry rich guys, they lost it because the chance they were given, to run a successful business in the states, failed.

    So health care, I agree with what he did because it was at the state level. It is far easier to garner support there rather than force an ENTIRE country into something where issues are not the same across state lines.

    There is an extreme difference between the state level and federal level and this is where I believe Obama care has missed its mark.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No matter the complexity, I spoke about a particular part to that. Again, you didn’t address anything I said, rather, bring up another issue.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    We can bring EVERY single job back to the states if you want, and EVERY single product will now cost 30-40% more because of the wage difference here in the states.

    More people will have jobs, though the money they make won’t seem as much because they will now be paying far more.

    This is a prime example of helping a few, lost plant workers, and hurting everyone, the consumer.

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