Sounds more like she got a sweetheart deal in exchange for her testimony. This isn't rocket science, it is classic prosecution in a RICO case. You flip all the smaller fish to get the big one.
you have no evidence whatsoever that Fani Willis or any other prosecutor is corrupt; it's just a story you have to tell yourself to make the alternative reality you live in make sense. Testifying against other co-defendants is indeed part of her plea deal as well as providing any material evidence she may possess relating to any of her co-defendants.
she campaigned on indicting trump on whatever she could find. that is hugely inappropriate. its not a conspiracy theory that she is out to get him however she can, its her words. now she boasts on social media how she is totally gonna get him. this is wildly hugely inappropriate behavior. meanwhile they are gag ordering trump while willis taunts him on social media. Jack Smith is terrible and was a shit brain with the ICC which they taught me at LSU is utter horseshit. also 100% of the supreme court reversed his most prominent case and said it was a shambolic pile of butthole. as far as the Manhattan case about paying a whore? cmon man. even you have to admit that how you fund whore payouts you fucked 15 years ago is not a real issue
This just in: Mark Meadows, who was the go-between for everything happening on January 6, has been granted immunity from prosecution by Jack Smith. This is a BFD because Meadows clearly deserves to be in prison, and it's doubtful that Smith would just let him walk without a lot of testimony in return. Will trump now insist that Meadows was never his Chief of Staff?
This is IT Rexie, this time you've got him for sure! No way he gets out of this one Right... RIGHT!...
I will maintain that it is unconstitutional regardless of the court outcome. many things are clearly unconstitutional but continue. for example the state favoring black or women owned businesses for contracts, or certain states overreaching gun control. joe Biden announcing that he was restricting his supreme court pick to a black woman was unconstitutional sa well, but this stuff is routinely allowed.