I suppose that varies, depending on your definiton of "works." The Massachusets plan operates at a billion dollar deficit. Switzerland and Germany's healthcare systems operate at multi-billion dollar deficits. So while they Swizz and German citizenry may pay less out of pocket than we do per capita, the cost is billions upon billions more than the receipts. Why do you suppose the Administration chose to delay certain implementations another year? When is that ever indicative of smooth sailing? That is simply false. A conservative think tank pushed a plan with an individual mandate. it never caught on with the base.
You're not in danger of losing any money to a hoodrat. People that wealthy don't know that LSU Message Boards exist.
I've got two federal research contracts and the agency that I'm working for had their offices locked and were told to go home. I don't suppose that LSU will get paid this month. I wonder if the background check system is operating if one were to buy a gun. At least the mail is running.
They closed the corp of engineer reservoirs. If the rangers aren't working how can they ticket you. And the way I look at it is the citizens of the US own those anyway.