Potential Government Shutdown

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Of course everyone would be in favor of these specifics. Preventing insurance companies from dropping people when they're sick has been needed for years. That is wrong and immoral.

    What I am many others who have reservations about Obamacare is that who will pay for the costs incurred by the first 3 items. All will have major impact on overall healthcare costs as well as the addition of so many who can't pay for insurance today.

    It will take much more in savings than having the industry use standard form to make this work. The problem with the AHCA is that it has NOTHING to generate these savings. In fact it pretty much guarantees there will be NO change in the way the healthcare system operates. The president made deals with Big Pharma, Big Hospitals and Big Insurance to get their support and to do so he had to protect them.

    The ones who will pay and pay dearly are those in small business or who work for companies that provide "Cadillac" plans. Why do you think unions are growing more and more opposed to the implementation?

    BTW you note that the term Obamacare has been demonized and it has....BUT those who oppose it have been similarly demonized as racist or cold hearted. That has been a tactic of Ds in general and the Presidents supporters specifically.

    These actions have left no opportunity for rational discussion.
    gyver likes this.
  2. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Not just the high deductible part. I'm forced to have maternity insurance. I just dropped that because I don't need it anymore. That costs about 150/month.
  3. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    That's pretty crazy, but yes, it is one of the 10 EHB's (Essential Health Benefits) inherent in all the plans. That is some of the tweaking to the law that should be done.

    As to the EHB's, I know they are included in all of the Marketplace plans, but I am not sure if they must be included in all health insurance plans. That seems sort of silly if so.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Where do you get this information? There should be huge savings from the closing for charity hospitals and free county clinics. Unneeded emergency room visits should plummet saving huge costs. Grouping people to take advantage of group rates offers more savings. It should cut the numbers of people enrolled in Medicaid. Conservatives tend to count costs and ignore savings.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Poppy cock Red and pure speculation. Where will those who visit emergency room go? There aren't enough doctors now. Every doctor I know is more than overloaded and we aren't creating enough GPs to satisfy the demand. Group rates will lower individual's cost until they rise to reflect the true costs of adding them and covering their health care cost. Where is the evidence to show it will reduce Medicaid costs or that the cost to the government as the government will pick up the cost of insurance.

    You say you are in business for yourself do you ignore costs to your business or anticipate income or savings on a hope?
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Yeah that is another thorn in my side. Maternity care isn't expensive. If you do the math you wind up trading dollars. I would much rather sack the money in my HSA and have it available for whatever I need than tie it up into coverage that I don't need.

    When I got on my plan the cost of the maternity coverage plus the waiting period prior to receiving the benefit made it pointless.
  7. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Yes, it is trading dollars if everything goes smoothly but if your wife ends up in the hospital prior to the birth for an extended period, you're toast.

    I'm not having any more kids so it's a waste.

    I think the problem was that states like Texas would not make maternity insurance available on individual plans. Crazy but true according to my sister in law.
  8. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Charity hospitals will be closed? Like Lebonheur and St Jude and the Shriners hospitals?
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Poppycock? Have you been reading Little Women again?

    Pure speculation is what I'm accusing you of, Chochise. I asked a simple question, "Where are you getting this from". I'm still waiting on that.

    They will have insurance! They will go wherever they need to, just like you and me.

    Classic Straw Man logical fallacy. The amount of doctors treating people is no different under Obama than it is without it. Just more of them will be private doctors instead of government doctors.

    Nope, you don't get to evade my question and demand evidence from me instead. You can either back up your statements or fail to.

    No, I do it based on a plan. The Health Care Law is a plan. A very detailed plan. Is it possible that you don't understand this?
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Those are private hospitals.

    I'm speaking of the publicly funded charity hospitals and clinics that are treating the indigent right now. You don't live in Louisiana which has a dozen state charity hospitals which will no longer be needed. Talk about socialized medicine! In most states you have free county clinics. These government-staffed gulags will no longer be needed and private hospitals and clinics will replace them.

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