I guess I just see how it almost destroyed my nephew before he got his life back on track. Giving access to young adults who already don't take responsibility for their actions seems like a recipe for disaster.
was it the pot,.. or was it the arcane laws or drug tests that threw your nephew's life off track,.. marijuana is not especially addictive, I've abstained for three years or longer a couple of times, cigarettes were much tougher to kick, coffee was the hardest,... I'm losing the battle vs Pepsi
Why would anybody drink a Pepsi when the shelf next to it is filled with ice cold refreshing Coca Cola? I won't even go to places like KFC and Taco Bell that have Pepsi instead of Coke.
And all the people that don't have to turn to the Opioid trap door for pain management. NO ONE ODs from cannabis. People can abuse countless things: alcohol, prescription meds, guns, cars, knives, cough syrup, glue... "Let's let Big Brother protect us from anything that can be abused?" ....i find the "don't need another addictive substance like alcohol" absurd. (That's so close to, "We don't need any addictive substances". Most people who drink can enjoy Red Wine, Beer, Canadian Whiskey, whatever, with no issues. and most people can enjoy cannabis with no issues. Let's keep Big Brother out of our lives and let Individuals decide what's best for them. Not Big Brother. #LIbertarian