we are making up crimes here. attempted racketeering via obviously protected political speech. trump called for recounts in the exact same you have and zillions of politicans have. the main difference between you and trump is that you do it more than he does, for a longer time. decades of constant lies and calling for interference in election results and reversing outcomes.
I've explained the difference quite coherently, lucidly, validly, without contradiction. Repeating your lies don't make them any more valid by repeating them over and over.
right like when you supported hillary claims that the elecction was stolen from her and trump was not a legitimately elected president, but when asked you backtrack and say she didnt mean it it was just a metaphor if you could go back in time you coulda not said all that stupid shit. but you cant.
I never said she didn't mean it, liar. I said she didn't mean it in a legal sense. You don't know what a metaphor is, do you?