Screw him! He’s tiger bait now. Lucky for him we play Ole Miss in Oxford next year. Put Kaleb Jackson in and run a play right at him. If Ryan has any smarts what-so-ever he will do one of his famous whiffs.
Patrick Payton transferring to LSU! Former Florida State edge rusher is 247’s #2 ranked transfer in the country.
Hayes Fawcett of on3 reports IOL Josh Thompson has committed to LSU! Former Northwestern starter was the top lineman still available, and top 5 IOL overall. Early predictions had him going to Tennessee. And.... Harold Perkins has made it more year!
Let's add Tamarcus Cooley (4-star S from NC State w/3 years remaining) and Donovan Green (4-star TE from Texas A&M, 2 years left) to LSU's transfer gets!