Yeah, fair point he wasn't able to walk to the hearings on the child fucking. He would have enjoyed them. Lts get a healthy pope that can cover up child rape much better
According to the Gospel, a janitor is viewed more favorably in God's eyes than the Pope... “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” " Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." " For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve" " in humility count others more significant than yourselves ...Christ Jesus ... emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant" Etc Look at Christ's life detailed by the Gospel, his favorites were the janitor-class people and his least favorites were the leaders of religious establishment The Pope is well aware of all this. Pope John Paul 2 would spend hours each day laying prostate face down, arms spread on the floor in humility, and he'd be the last person to tell you he is viewed higher in God's eyes than a janitor.
Typical short-sightedness regarding religion. You are making a value judgment instead of a practical assessment. When you run an operation with a $250 million annual operating budget and physical wealth of untold $Billions . . . it is an important job.
Hitler didn't have US Presidents show up to his funeral and sing his praises... "What a great man," President Bush, said of John Paul II ahead of his visit. "It will be my honor to represent our country in a ceremony marking a remarkable life, a person who stood for freedom and human dignity," he told reporters after a Cabinet meeting Tuesday. When they met in June 2004, Bush gave the pope the Presidential Medal of Freedom, this country's highest civilian award. Former Presidents H.W. Bush and Clinton were at his funeral too, as were US Congress members Rick Santorum, Edward M. Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and many others
if your argument is that US presidents know what they are talking about then i can find you some counterexamples.