Democrats Poor Hillary..flat broke

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by uscvball, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You are the one who called me stupid? Or are you senile too?

  2. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    C'mon Red. Being a half million dollars in debt certainly fits the definition of "dead broke," but by your own admission,
    Just admit it; Hillary was trying to connect with voters who really know what "dead broke" means, i.e. no money and no prospects for money. Even her friends in the media aren't buying this one, and you're too smart to buy it as well.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Bulllllllshit! In America, when an American says they are "broke", they don't own a home they can sell, they can't pay mortgage or rent, they can't pay monthly bills, sometimes they can't scrape enough cash together to pay for a meal. Most are doing what they have to to avoid the collector. The only relief they will get is from a job and over a long period of time. Hillary said, "We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses,"

    Mortgages? Plural? What American can claim multiple home ownership, but still proclaim to be broke?

    There is nothing wrong with what they did. Nothing. I don't begrudge them their fortune. It IS the American way. But we aren't talking about money-making. We are talking about Hillary attempting to compare herself to the average American who really is broke. It just isn't true or even remotely similar.

    "In mid-December 2000, a month before Bill left office, Hillary signed a book deal with a near record $8 million advance:"
    "In 2001, Bill made $9.1 million in speaking fees, Hillary received $2,8 million of her book advance, and they had at least several million in the bank and investments,"
    "In August 2001, Bill signed a $10 million record book deal,"
    "Less than a week after leaving the White House, Bill and Hillary Clinton are facing criticism for accepting gifts worth $190,000 for their New York State home."
    "Former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton received authorization to take certain household furnishings to their new homes as gifts but will return any items that are found to be White House property, a spokesman said today.

    In the latest criticism over their departure from the White House, the Clintons faced questions today about taking $28,000 worth of furnishings, which two donors were quoted as saying had been intended to become part of the permanent White House collection, not gifts to the Clintons.

    The disclosure, reported in today’s Washington Post, came three days after the Clintons said they would pay $86,000 to cover the value of gifts they received last year in an effort to avoid the appearance of impropriety. The couple had originally sought to leave with $190,000 in gifts.

    Officials said that at least $28,000 worth of furnishings, donated in 1993 as part of the White House restoration project, had been registered by the National Park Service as gifts to the permanent collection of the White House and not the Clintons."

    "President Clinton and his wife started shipping White House furniture to the Clintons’ newly purchased home in New York more than a year ago, despite questions at the time by the White House chief usher about whether they were entitled to remove the items.

    The day before the items were shipped out, chief usher Gary Walters said he questioned whether the Clintons should be taking the furnishings because he believed they were government property donated as part of a White House redecoration project in 1993, during Clinton’s first year in office."

    You tell me, Red, how many Americans have this kind of income at their disposal within weeks, or even months, of claiming to be "flat broke"? If the average American has to leave their home, do they get to take thousands of dollars worth of furnishings?

    Dems don't come to her defense. They never have. She is a porcupine. Folks don't like her style, nor her Days of Our Lives spin.

    Please. This is funny! Hillary had already signed an $8M book deal BEFORE they left the White House! It is very typical for star athletes, celebrities, etc, to float their debt based on future earnings.

    Is she a politician? As of now, she's an author. Now you see the motivation.

    Bill and Hill are now worth over $100M.....and she says they aren't super rich. Hilarious! She IS the rich....and getting richer.

    "Her chief strategist, Mark Penn, not only polls for America's biggest companies but also runs one of the world's premier PR agencies. A bevy of current and former Hillary advisers, including her communications guru, Howard Wolfson, are linked to a prominent lobbying and PR firm -- the Glover Park Group -- that has cozied up to the pharmaceutical industry and Rupert Murdoch. Her fundraiser in chief, Terry McAuliffe, has the priciest Rolodex in Washington, luring high-rolling contributors to Clinton's campaign. Her husband, since leaving the presidency, has made millions giving speeches and counsel to investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. They house, in addition to other Wall Street firms, the Clintons' closest economic advisers, such as Bob Rubin and Roger Altman, whose DC brain trust, the Hamilton Project, is Clinton's economic team in waiting. Even the liberal in her camp, former deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes, has lobbied for the telecom and healthcare industries, including a for-profit nursing home association indicted in Texas for improperly funneling money to disgraced former House majority leader Tom DeLay.

    "She's got a deeper bench of big money and corporate supporters than her competitors," says Eli Attie, a former speechwriter to Vice President Al Gore. Not only is Hillary more reliant on large donations and corporate money than her Democratic rivals, but advisers in her inner circle are closely affiliated with unionbusters, GOP operatives, conservative media and other Democratic Party antagonists.....

    In 2000 Penn became the chief architect of Hillary's Senate victory in New York, persuading her, in a rerun of '96, to eschew big themes and relentlessly focus on poll-tested pothole politics, such as suburban transit lines and dairy farming upstate. Following that election, Penn became a very rich man -- and an even more valued commodity in the business world (Hillary paid him $1 million for her re-election campaign in '06 and $277,000 in the first quarter of this year). The massive PR empire WPP Group acquired Penn's polling firm for an undisclosed sum in 2001 and four years later named him worldwide CEO of one of its most prized properties, the PR firm Burson-Marsteller (B-M).

    A key player in the decision to hire Penn was Howard Paster, President Clinton's chief lobbyist to Capitol Hill and an influential presence inside WPP. "Clients of stature come to Mark constantly for counsel," says Paster, who informally advises Hillary, explaining the hire. The press release announcing Penn's promotion noted his work "developing and implementing deregulation informational programs for the electric utilities industry and in the financial services sector." The release blithely ignored how utility deregulation contributed to the California electricity crisis manipulated by Enron and the blackout of 2003, which darkened much of the Northeast and upper Midwest.

    Burson-Marsteller is hardly a natural fit for a prominent Democrat. The firm has represented everyone from the Argentine military junta to Union Carbide after the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India, in which thousands were killed when toxic fumes were released by one of its plants, to Royal Dutch Shell, which has been accused of colluding with the Nigerian government in committing major human rights violations. B-M pioneered the use of pseudo-grassroots front groups, known as "astroturfing," to wage stealth corporate attacks against environmental and consumer groups. It set up the National Smokers Alliance on behalf of Philip Morris to fight tobacco regulation in the early 1990s. Its current clients include major players in the finance, pharmaceutical and energy industries. In 2006, with Penn at the helm, the company gave 57 percent of its campaign contributions to Republican candidates. "

    Penn is linked to folks like Rove and Atwater. Hillary is in the middle of it.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Retaliation after the childish dick and tits comments using a word you had just used.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Don't bitch about if you are going to do the same thing.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I've got a better solution.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Are you kidding? Practically every member of the US Senate has a house in their home state and another in Washington.

    I know.

    I'm on the road and I hate typing on this iPad, so I'll pass on the usual point by point rebuttal. You are really scared of Hillary aren't you?
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Are they claiming to be broke in an attempt to seem "average"?

    Scared.....really? It's a forum for politics and a thread about her very poor attempt at being likable and relatable. She is neither. There isn't much point in rebutting. She claimed they were broke but we all know it didn't play because she and Bill had millions on the way via book deals, real property, and walked out the door with hundreds of thousands in furniture. Broke people in America don't get to do that.

    They were in a distinctly different situation than ANY OTHER broke American. We all know it. They aren't the same as you or I. She tried to be, it fell horribly flat. She repeated it with another stupid line about paying average taxes. Gawd, the only thing to be afraid of is that she will appoint really stupid people to surround herself with and we will have another 4 years of some of the most massive stupidity and ignorance Washington has ever seen.

    Travel safely.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Even more of a reason she shouldn't have tried to spin it like she is middle class.

    She tried a "poor me" and it burned her. No one is gonna give her, or any other politician, sympathy for having to pay for 3 2+million dollar homes..

    You can't spin your way out of this one Red. She has already back tracked. You should do the same.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    She's still gonna win the presidency. And while I'd much rather have a true progressive like Elizabeth Warren as president, a woman who actually cares about the middle class and working families, there is no way she would win in the Greatest Election Money Can Buy.

    Do you know it's feasible that Vladamir Putin could donate billions of dollars to a candidate now and we would never know about it because of citizens united.

    You know what, I'll agree with everyone that a week old pea sized fetus is a person if everyone else agrees that corporations are NOT people and money is NOT speech.
    LSUpride123 likes this.

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