I haven't kept up with the polls but if this is true, it seems as if McCain may be peaking just a bit too early. Quite similar to USC this year.
While she held both offices, they do not account for her entire public service career: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_palin Ok. So how does that not favor Obama? Like I said, he's been in Washington 4 more years than her. It baffles me how the same people who have relentlessly railed against Obama for lacking experience can simultaneously feel that this woman is somehow qualified to run the country. Biden's got more experience (particularly on foreign policy) than damn near anyone alive. How one can reasonably assert that he won't bury her in the debates (which are based on one's knowledge of a particular issue) is beyond me. She didn't even know what the 'Bush Doctrine' was when interviewed recently. It was horrifyingly awkward to see her not even know what the interviewer was asking her.
As if you did. It's been pointed out numerous times that there are several different "Bush Doctrine's".
As if I'm running for Vice President. And for the record, yes, I knew what the interviewer was asking her. Several? What are these other ones? I can only find one. She didn't think he was talking about another particular item or interpretation of some completely different ideology. She didn't even have a clue as to what he was talking about. She responded, 'In what respect, Charlie?' It sounded defensive, as if she were going to have to defend Bush's well-earned criticism as stubborn buffoon while simultaneously trying to separate herself and McCain from him. She seemed to think that the interviewer was using a term that had been coined by the 'librul media' as an insult to Bush's failed foreign policy.
Since you asked dummy.... http://daily-journal.com/archives/dj/display.php?id=427455 Sorry to copy and paste my answer...but I really don't have the time right now to put all of this in my own words. Plus, there are about 500,000 similar links easily found using google.