Four or five years ago, the LSU and BR Police joined forces in a sting targeting homosexuals having sex in the bathrooms of Coates Hall. In all 9 students and even a couple of staff members were arrested as police dressed up. It was a major problem that is slowly being solved from what I hear. They used to go in and drill out holes in the walls separating the stalls. Notice all the stainless steel wall plates that are now in place in those bathrooms rather than the cork walls that they used cork screws and other tools to drill through. Another big problem area was Middleton. One time I caught some nasty pervert peeking through a hole. I ran out so fast and used a different level bathroom. The sting is what forever has made the bathrooms in Coates (most notably the the two closest to the Union) part of LSU lore.
Oh, and so everyone knows, the poster here named "SEN" was carrying that pole with the signs that included "Pollack hangs out in Coates Bathroom" and "UGA delenda est." Classic.
Here's a satirical article about it: I searched through the Reville online but I could not find the real article. I wonder if their archives do not extend that far back.