I would buy that IF you stopped at criticizing abuses of the freedoms But the right doesn't: They prefer to sanction those who abuse freedom and draft legislation curbing freedoms. And of course we get into that tough little question about what is an abuse and what isn't or who decides - trashing clinton for bringing prosperity isn't an abuse; trashing bush is. This baseball thing is ridiculous - baseball should be non-political; they made a judgment based on political opinions. That's BS.
You have to put yourself in the shoes of the baseball hall of fame committee or who ever decided to put this celebration together. 90% of the baseball fans that attend are pro-america, pro-war, pro-Bush etc. I wouldn't take the chance of having Robbins spout off about how wrong our administration is during a light hearted celebration. Like I said before you have the right to speak, but have have to be able to take the heat. Oh yeah one last thing I was in Wal-Mart today and I noticed that Dixie Chicks CD went from #2 to#12 and now Darryl Worrley is at #2. Ha Ha. Personally I broke mine in half, and thats my RIGHT!