That's basically the same thing the NCAA is currently doing for the other Divisions, except for the bowls, of course. So we have the same idea...
I made a slight mistake in my earlier post. In '99 Wisconsin ended up 7ty. K-State was 6th. Attn: Crip I'm checking out your system as we speak.
This is confusing the hell out of me right now. Is there any way I could talk you into drawing some sort of bracket and posting it so I can look at it? I'm having a tough time following the process. I do have one question already though. You 're allowing 16 teams in correct? Now you have the regions broken up 3 Conf. per region. Where do the 4 second place teams go? How would you seed them? Do they go wherever their conference is? Also, 12 winners? Are you giving the Independants conference status with only 4 members?
Yeah I can draw it up alittle better for ya. The independents are a problem, personally I would like to see the NCAA put their foot down and make them join a confrence. The 2nd place teams would fall into the Region of their confrence and would play the BEST record for that region UNLESS it is the confrence winner. I will draw it up as if the season ended today and all confrences have Championship games.
Well yeah, that would be ideal. But we all know that we are stuck with bowls and our only hope is to have a playoff system modeled around them.
Did this while trying to get ready for work so it is kind of thrown together. Also all the other bowls in this system would be allowed to invite whatever team they wanted as long as they have 6 wins. The Major Bowls would rotate every year.
Too many teams, too many games, at least to jump to from the 2-team system we have now (just my opinion). I think it's much more likely that a 4-team system will happen, and then a 6 or 8 team one if a 4-team one isn't sufficient.
Keep in mind folks, the fans have to be able to afford to follow their team to the games. If their team wins it all in a scenario like Crip's then very few will be able to follow their team all the way, much less make spur of the moment plans each week.
I'm also not a real big fan of teams like Ohio U., Cent. Michigan getting equal billing as the SEC or Big Ten Champ for example. I understand that for it to be a legit playoff system, you have to give the small schools a chance to play. However right now Troy is getting in with a 4-4 record, but 1-loss Auburn stays home? That would be a tough sell to the average college football fan. You would have to figure out a way to "weight" the system to help balance this out. Maybe set up like a power points system like High School football has would help. Now, If you put the first couple of rounds home games for the higher seeds, like the regionals in College Baseball, that would be better for the fans as far as traveling and spending money. I don't think you could force the Independant to join conferences, because of the monet involved. However you could just not gaurantee them a spot. A team like ND could earn it by playing like the have this year, but with 3 losses already, Navy wouldn't automatically get in just by finishing 2nd among independants. I think Crip is on the right track, and I hope he responds to this, because we may be able to tweak this into something we could submit to the NCAA. Of course we really need to polish this up ijnto somethign the average fan would be able to understand and discuss around the water cooler at work.