went yesterday morning. 33 specs, 3 reds (all between 26" and 30"), and a Drum (27") if my email from my phone to my PC ever actually goes through, I'll post a pic of the chest with fish
Can me and my appetite stop by this weekend? Looks like ya'll had a good time. I'm pretty fired up. We are coming in for Thanksgiving and I've got a trip lined up. Gonna take my girls for their first coastal fishing trip. Let's hope the weather holds.
was kinda slow, but steady. we would it 3-4 in a row (usually had to throw at least one back), then would slow down to just 1 every once in a while, then pick back up again. best trick to catching them is to completely ignore yourk cork, yell at the kids for a bit, maybe try to light a cigarette. As soon as you're completely distracted, BOOM! worked like a charm. were going to make an afternoon run on Sunday, but was calling for a good chance of rain. we stayed home, no rain ever fell:angryfire were gonna go Monday since I was off, but that storm was supposed to bring us rain and wind. we stayed home, got neither rain, nor enough wind to not go.:cuss:
if it makes you feel better, I have a 4 day weekend coming up, a 6 day weekend starting with Thanksgiving, and another 4 day weekend at the end of December so i should be able to do a lil better in the next 6 weeks or so.
filled the tank on my boat before leaving Saturday morning. my dad may be borrowing the boat tomorrow, so I figured I would top it off for him. cost me all of $1.34 to fill it up again. probably cost more than that to drive the 1 mile to the launch in my truck. P.S. catching our own bait now too. recession ain't gonna slow me down :thumb: