If anyone has pictures of the 10 week old Tiger that was a few blocks from the dome on Sunday, please post.
Request for LStUdent (or anyone else with the computer skills I lack), In that thread that you linked and had a picture called "pregame," I was almost a straight line across the dome from you halfway up the second section. Right above the play clock that shows 25. I think I might see myself but can't really tell for sure. I was wearing a handmade white jersey with #21 for Hilliard (props to my old roomate at LSU for the creation). Wish he could've been there with me in his Tommy Cassanova jersey. Anyway I'd kill (preferably Pete Carroll) if I could get that picture blown up to see if I can see myself. Or even take the middle of the picture and blow that up so it's not too big in size if that becomes a problem. Can e-mail to [email protected] if possible. I realize that it may not be but can't hurt to ask.
Unfortunatly I don't think its possible to make anything out in that picture that far away. I can sort of make out what seems to be some one wearing a white jersey, but there is no way make it even remotely clear.
LStUdent, I think you got me circled but I can't tell for sure. I just e-mailed my dad to ask him what he thought. I appreciate the effort, great pics. dheadtiger, I can't really tell in your picture but one of those little white specs towards the top might be me. We were on a really short row with only 6 seats. My dad and I were the two middle ones. There was a girl to my left that also had a white LSU jersey on so I'm not sure who's who. Anyway, thanks for the pics.