Petrino given permission to interview with LSU

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Dec 27, 2004.

  1. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    The goods on Bobby:

    Some interesting coaching influences there: Tom Coughlin (Parcells guy), our pal Tubby, Bruce Snyder at ASU. I guess my biggest qualm about Petrino is the fact that he has only two years of Head Coaching experience.

    I look forward to learning more about him in the days to come...and that game versus Boise St. now becomes required viewing as well.
  2. philter

    philter Founding Member

    I agree we can do better, but I also wouldn't be crying in my milk if he was announced as HC. I am interested in who you think is the right coach, or the 'better' coach for LSU?

    btw I don't consider TT classless, but just no way in hell do I want him as our HC. He'd be coaching his 3rd SECW team...just feels like we're passing around a dirty slut within the conference.
  3. max

    max Founding Member

    There is no buyout clause in Petrino's new contract.
  4. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est clarify, my comment is not directed to Petrino's ability surrounding the X's & O's, it has to do with his personal credibility.

    The days of being able to waltz in to a recruits' living room and soft-shoe him into a "signing" have nearly disappeared. Bobby Bowden is, pehaps, the lone throwback to a bygone era.

    Today's recruit has instant information and reliable, credible resources at his fingertips, unlike in decades past. Petrino's act won't last unless he gains alot more credibility in a whole lot of hurry.

    Who do I believe is better? Well, no doubt there are many. But I've previously suggested Tedford, who I believe is a stronger overall assett than Urban Meyer. Mike Price, IMO, has more credibility than petrino and is a more experienced HC - I'd like him if he weren't such a Pac-10 weenie, but you cannot deny what he accomplished at UTEP....very impressive. (You gotta think on that one for awhile though :lol: )
  5. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    You remember Jason Campbell 3 years ago? He was VERY much improved and it was under Petrino. It was only after Petrino left that Campbell fell apart until Borges this year.

    Russell would benfit greatly from Petrino. I just dont know how his gig at Louisville has proven him to be a great head coach but he is good candidate nontheless.
  6. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Where'd Jurich say that? The write-up I found on the "enhanced" contract made references to "provid(ing) increases in his salary, achievement bonuses and completion bonuses for the remaining five years of the agreement", namely the $1 mil for staying through 2007...but nothing on a buyout.

    In fact, the only reference I can find to Petrino, his contract, and a buyout clause is this
    , which refers to the new deal he signed back in March...a deal that had no, zero, nada buyout clause at all (direct quote: "No buyout clause was included in any of the contracts (this included an extension for Pitino, too)".

    Also, here's a Jurich quote that directly contradicts your comments: "There are certainly schools out there that have more money than us," Jurich said. "But we're going to do everything in our power to keep everything stabilized here." (12/21/04)

    As late as Dec. 7, Jurich said: "If I was an athletic director at any of these high-profile universities, he'd be the first guy on my list," Jurich said. "He's put together a magnificent product."

    Not doubting you, directly, but I am finding vastly, vastly different information.
  7. tigerjeffrey

    tigerjeffrey Founding Member

    New Orleans T-P reports...

    that Bertman met w/ Petrino on Sunday!

    :geaux: :thumb:
  8. LSU0596

    LSU0596 Respect

    Petrino, Price and Tubby

    Cadillac, you sure your not hoping LSU doesnt hire Petrino because you know this may still go south with Tubby next year?
    Having said that, I am concerned about his ability to recruit. Only because I havent seen him do it yet.
    Mike Price, now that is interesting. He would be my man. Just look at all he has done. Has anyone ever been to pullman washington or El Paso, Tx? He could clean up with our skill position players in La an the one the payroll currently.
    I could care less about his issue at Alabama. The man made a mistake, but didnt kill, harm, shoot, steal, rape ect....... Besides just imagine how gratifying to watch him Roll the tide every year. Those Sackless tide fans would realize (although never admit it) that there arrogance set them back even further.
    Tubby is a good coach, that UA should be proud of and leave him alone next year. The guy has good instincts and strong lineage(did I spell correctly) Jimmy Johnson, Frank Broyles, Butch Davis and from the land of Chollie Mac and The Bear.
    Good luck against Va Tech--win the game so the Sec can have an argument against the BCS.
  9. philter

    philter Founding Member

  10. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Interesting pre-season (2004) article on Bobby, with thinly-veiled, "he's a young Hal Mumme" reference thrown in for good measure:


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