Petition to change current LSU Mascot Logo

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by OpelousasLSUFan, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. I signed it, thats the best news I've heard all day.
  2. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    The font is nice, but tigger needs to go.
  3. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Signed it...

    [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    I remember when I first saw that logo. I was like, "Who the heck is that?" And then I went, "Gaaaah. Awww man."

    This is the best....


    And check this out! I just found this!


    Now, that's dedication!
  4. HittinZX2

    HittinZX2 Living to die laughing

    Alright signed. Also I need this logo:eek:ldskule: in a larger size for my groom's cake, Anyone have something big enough to help me out. I can only find small ones, I need that i can put into a 4x6 image.
  5. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

  6. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    I haven't seen the early renditions for a while. I think they "meaned up" the tiger a bit in recent years. In the beginning he sort of had a smile...sort of like the early Dolphins logo to now.
  7. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    Tell me about it!
  8. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    just added my name to the list
  9. PGTiger

    PGTiger Founding Member

    Signed it...Anything but toonces PLEASE!

    BRB, I have to go throw up... ;)
  10. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Some of the comments on the petition are pretty funny.


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