Ooo, this one reminds me...what about the person in line at Subway who's got a list with different orders for everyone in his/her office? If you're going to do this, call ahead so there's not making 20 different sandwiches before waiting on the next in line. :angryfire:angryfire:angryfire
Don't imagine that you know someone's handicap. My dad did not look physically handicapped but he had a heart condition that required him to limit his exertion. They don't hand out those plates like candy.
I love this one because my wife is from Texass so everytime there is a horrible driver in front of us I say must be from Texas and more then half the time I am right, it pisses her off so much!
I agree, my wife with all her back problems was told by a pain specialist that she could not get one because back problems on someone so young wont quailfy
I hate the woman in the grocery line who's buying items for four different people and she wants to ring them up separately and pay for them in cash from four separate envelopes. When I was a poor student living on $350 a month, I particularly despised seeing food stamp people buying name brand goods with my tax dollars while I was standing there buying generic items to stay within my budget.
yes! or convenience type foods. everything that costs the most! and i dont mean one or two item, i mean their whole buggy full!
I used to work at a grocery store during high school, and i saw a majority of the food stamp recipients buy food with the card, and beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets with cash.
I personally know 2 people w/ handicap parking passes who have no use for them. One of these people (my aunt) runs 2-3 miles/day, yet has no problem taking up that front row spot. I asked her why she does this and her answer is that she earned it by getting approved for it. She may have needed a temporary one for a couple weeks several years ago, but they gave her a permanent one because of her age at the time (she was 64 then). The other is on his feet all day, every day, yet has to park in the front row. He also thinks he earned it because he is missing his big toe! These are the ppl that piss everyone off because they take advantage of the system. They also bloat the statistics of how many drivers need these, causing municipalities to force business owners to reserve more parking spots than truly necessary. On a side note, my next door neighbor, wheelchair bound, says she ends up parking in regular spaces around 1/2 the time because of abuse like this. Abusers of any sort really make me sick.
My wife is an amputee. She wears long pants so you really can't tell. She has gotten her ass chewed out a couple of times for being a not really. She just smiles and walks away. I then laugh at the accuser cause I get to ride shotgun. :hihi: It does not happen often but there are just so many more pricks that live here, it is unavoidable. We have permanent plates but I have never parked in the blue without her in the car. I purposely park at the back of the lot. I could never live with taking that kind of a need from another.