People that leave shopping carts out in the parking lot. Heaven forbid that they actually walk the cart to one of the holding areas--or, oh no(!), up to the store.
Yep, and then they get their fat butts in the electric wheel chair and fill it full of junk foods and stuff Yep, I hate it when people do that too. At the day care where I work, the mom (usually) will bring in the child while talking on the cell phone, and then they wanna tell me something too. I walk off from them and just leave them standing there. I have better things to do with my time, than to stand there and wait for them to get done with their conversation. I have told them before to come and find me when they get done. A person would think that their child is more important than a phone call. Well said dude, I always park way out in the parking lot and walk, even if it is bad weather. But not everyone is like that.
ooo oooo.... i have one..... *waves hand wildly* how about the people (usually 4 feet wide) that walk - no, stoll - in the middle of the lane in the parking lot with their buggy to go to their car. move over to one side or another! i want to get by your lazy ass. and i prefer to park in the outer parts of a parking lot. the exercise is good even if its only a little bit.
I think everyone used to be, but with the receptacles available everywhere these days, it's just ridiculous. I usually don't care if I'm parked close to a door, but I do want to be near a cart receptacle. Oh, and about cell phones. Last year one time, a mother from my daughter's elementary was dropping off some crafts for me to make for Pioneer Day (because the stay-at-home moms feel we working moms need to pull our weight up at the school.) I'd never seen this mom before, but she rings the doorbell while talking on her cell, throws a complicated craft project in my hands, says, "Instructions in the bag," and turns around and walks off--still talking on the phone. That b*%*h is on my "list" permanently for that. Oh, and another one. I had a mother RSVP for my daughter's birthday party last month...sort of... She didn't say whether or not her daughter was coming. She said, "Who are the other kids coming to the party?" It was as if she was deciding whether or not her daughter would attend, based on the kids attending. Apparently, we were "A List" enough, and her child was there. Her child was a sweet, sweet girl who basically took care of my three-year-old daughter very lovingly the whole time. But her mom? Yeah, she's on my "list," too.
I can say that I have NEVER been one of those people. My first real job was at Schweggmanns and I use to have to get those carts in, in the heat of summer, in the pouring rain it sucked! So I have always made sure that the cart at least gets to the holding area.
shes probably the type that takes up the whole lane with her buggy while walking to her car. i say watch for her and then run over her ass! :hihi:
If I was the clerk, I would start ringing up the next person in line. Don't think I won't lay on the horn if they ever did that to me.