$40, but safety is priceless. Let people know of your pet peeve with both hands on the wheel. http://www.perpetualkid.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=3178
Quarterback comparisons. Rarely, if ever, do people compare one quarterback to another of a different race. It's almost always a comparison to someone of the same race.
My pet peeve is when my wife bypasses the dishwasher to put dishes in the sink. I have told her over and over and over and over again to quit ****ing doing it, that her lazy ass wouldn't have to walk as far if she would just put it in the dishwasher, but to no avail. I am going to lose it one day, so if you ever see a headline about, "man goes nuts over dishes in the sink" and his name is jeremy, then you know who it is.
i have another dishwasher one. leaving like 3 inches between each glass or plate in the dishwasher. that drives me nuts. i am always moving his dishes closer together in the dw to make the load more efficient. i swear, he is turning into his mother on this one. my biggest pet peeve the last few days tho is stupid customors. and not only stupid, but rude about their stupidity. if i do something to f*ck up the order, you can chew my ass out and i will apologize. but when you f*ck up your own order, dont bitch at me!
8 handicap parking spots at a golf course. People who don't know that right on red has been legal since 1975. In airports, people who park on the left side of moving sidewalks. IT'S NOT A RIDE PEOPLE!! Passengers who slam the overhead bin doors during a flight waking me up. Everybody in front of me while I'm driving.:hihi:
I'm a raging lunatic in my car when people get in my way. Lake Charles is relatively small so I know I'm going to scream at someone I know soon. It's inevitable. Being a frequent traveler, all the typical airport stuff kills me too.
1. Bandwagon fans 2. Not using your blinker. If you can't operate the signal, what makes you think you can operate the entire car?! 3. Perpetual tardiness, flaking out. If you say you're gonna be somewhere at 12:30pm, SHOW UP at 12:30pm, not 12:45, or 1 :cuss: