I get out of the way of faster traffic all the time. Faster traffic causes most of wrecks, they can have the friggin road for all I care. I give faster traffic the courtesy that I expect when I'm the faster traffic. But if you run up on my bumper because I'm not changing lanes fast enough for you, then you can kiss my broad white ass, wait until I'm finished and you deserve the crumpled wreck you will end up in soon. I'll pull over and laugh at your mangled corpse if I get to see it.
thats odd, I always figured you thought you drove right down the middle of the road when in actuality it pulls to the extreme, far left. and get your slow ass out the way as well.
Interesting how so many of these involve driving. Mine? People who don't know how to turn left. I'm sitting at a light, and some guy turning left wants to pretend that my front bumper is an orange cone on an obstacle course. For crying out loud, get over! Wow, Red and I agree on something? Hey Red, you want to go see "W" together?:lol::lol::lol:
I hate it when talent is blown over pumping sh!t into their arms depriving the World from the goods expected from said talent. You can fill the blanks with many great names, none closer then these fuggers [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd39XDZOjhw[/MEDIA] Phuck you Brad...
People that use the phrase "party like a rockstar!".....The phrase is overused, and it doesn't make you cool if you use it. You know who you are out there.
Also, I can't stand watching people throw trash out of their window. In an attempt to keep your car clean, you trash the state for the rest of us. Same goes for gum at a drive-thru. I was at a McDonalds drive-thru just the other day. The lady in front of me pulls up to the mic and spits her white trash gum onto the sidewalk where her gum is now sitting and waiting for some unsuspecting passerby to step in. I don't know how many of you have ever stepped in gum, but it's not fun, especially on a hot day. You have no idea how badly I wantd to get out of my truck, pick up her white trash gum, stick a note to the gum saying "I found your gum at the McDonalds drive-thru", and then stick the gum to the back of her car. Really I just wanted to reach in her window and slap her, but you didn't hear that from me.
lol....my girlfriend made a comment today about how stupid those commercials are and I totally agree with you both.
Sort of like the Head On commercials. Annoying as heck but guess what? People remember them. The FCC should classify those as obscene to keep us from being subjected to them. I remember in the late 60's, early 70's when cable was just getting established, they were touting that since we were paying for the service, we wouldn't have nearly as many commercials except on the (then) 3 networks. That worked out well, didn't it?