Emma got a huge kick out of the squirrel going straight up in the air. Laughed even harder when I told her it couldn't hang on to the tree and fell off and died. She's got my warped sense, I guess. :grin:
gettin a little antsy. haven't seen a tree rat in my yard in a couple weeks now. talked to my neighbor down the block. they haven't been seeing any either. mixed blessing i guess. we will have more pecans and pears, but these little back yard hunts sure are fun!
My neighbor started trapping tree rats a couple years ago. He would get one every day to begin with. Then it dropped to one every 3 or 4 days then one a week or so. He still keeps the trap out but there aren't many squirrels left on our immediate area. He releases them at his office which adjoins a residential area. A couple months ago I picked him up for lunch and he took me out back to see his handy work. It was the biggest infestation of tree rats I had ever seen in my life. Every tall tree in the immediate area was loaded with vermin nests. He calculated his relocation effort in excess of 100 squirrels over the past 2 years.
i have no idea what a squirrel pole is, but i just got this image of a little gold club for squirrels.... and i still say be careful. you never know what those little bastards might be planning.....
Can't wait to try that. Googled it and it looks like it would work. Probably make one next weekend. I think they are planning something. With this warm weather we have had for a few days here and there, I am starting to see a little activity. Looks like battles will rage once again really soon!
is that really why you're moving? you're scared of what the squirrels might be plotting for revenge? :hihi: