miles was stanley's female dog during his first year. not only was he forced to lobby for the cotton bowl days before his team was to play for the seccg and a spot in the sugar bowl, he was forced to keep jimbo on the staff.
you heard jimmy ott talking about this today?:lol: kinda sad that the head coach at lsu les miles was a yes man. i like the new lester a thousand times better. he's cocky and told jimbo to hit the road.
Actually, no. Don't even remember the last time I heard his show. But when I quit listening, he was STILL bitching about the trip to Dallas. If he did, in fact, bring it up yet again today, then there could be no better illustration of my point. His alarmist mentality wore on me extremely quick.
Sometimes I go over to 1300 on the way home after the gym, so it's after 6. Whoever that bozo is that's got that timeslot is almost painful to listen to, and his co-host doesn't do a nearly good enough job calling him out on his blatant B.S.