Pelini and Crowton

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUtiger327, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Cajunboy97

    Cajunboy97 Founding Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    If Miles wins the NC or even the SEC championship, I think he will be first on Michigan's list of HC - and they might even offer Saban-like money for him esp. w/ a NC under his belt.
    In which case, I second the vote for the good-ol-ball coach. Sure I used to hate him more than the nutria rats running around my neighborhood, but...I'm willing to forgo that hatred for another NC. It wouldn't be too hard to get him, considering the recent debacle w/ the recruiting thing at USC. And it would be a lot easier for him to recruit FL players at LSU than USC. I mean, it sucks to have to tell a recruit to come to USC, no the other USC...:hihi:
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  2. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    This is the way I see it.:thumb:

    But then, I have been accused of living in an idealistic world. It is a lot more of what have you done for me lately world than I would like. You can buy 7 year old blended scotch and hope you get lucky, or just be patient while that 29 year old Speyside matures.
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    the unrealistic are the only ones to ever expect a NC. the less insane expect an occasional SECC which is something much more feasible.

    in my mind, comparing miles' first year to saban's last is a stretch because its common a team makes a slide following a nc season. then factor in it was the first in 50 years and its pretty much expected. the hangover effect happens to all teams minus very few teams such as the patriots and the mj years.

    what les has done has been impressive by anyone's standards if they are objective although it hurts his cause when you see 4 first rounders taken in the nfl draft with no championships. thats what people see nationally. nick recruited the talent and les has yet to put any skins on the wall with it.

    then add to that the #1 pick in the nfl draft only had two? 300 yard games in his career with 2 first round wide receivers it adds even more fuel to the fire.

    i certainly dont agree with it but thats the perception i look forward to shaking.
  4. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    To say CLM has underachived in because he hasn't won some type of championship when he's only had two years is completely unrealistic.

    Take into account the ACTUAL way the 2 seasons played out. (11 straight games and Katrina effect in year one, the road schedule and getting hosed at Auburn) and the underachieiving moniker is just plain ridiculous.

    If he keeps recruiting, hiring good assts., etc, the championships will come.

    Please, lets not start sounding like those crazy bama fans (who would give their eyeteeth to have had the past two seasons we've had)
  5. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    katrina was the reason it took 2 games for the lsu coaching staff to switch out of that ridiculous cover zone defense? katrina was the reason uga raped us in the seccg or was it because miles and bertman were on a plane headed to dallas to chat with the cotton bowl selection committee 48 hours before the seccg?
  6. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    katrina is the reason we had no week off that season, and kids were way out of their routine with extra people living in their rooms and apts. That is mentally trying. Are you saying we lost because Miles is a bad coach? Please explain.
  7. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    that week, yes..

    katrina didn't have anything to do with our lack of preparation for the '05 seccg. satan and 99% of div 1 head coaches would have kicked the AD/stanley in the family jewels for even suggesting going on a trip to beg for a spot in the cotton bowl the same week of the seccg.
  8. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    If you don't think katrina and its aftermath, no off week all year and all the disrupted schedules and drama in the state, kids not able to communicate with parents and loved ones for days on end would be a factor, why would a plane ride to Dallas and back? One day, the coordinators can handle a one day practice. Heck, Pokey checked out before the NCAA tourney and the ladies kept on winning. Seems to me you're looking for an excuse to blame Miles, and its pretty shaky looking to me.

    We got blown out of the game. It was not Russell's injury, the game was already over by then. They just looked tired to me. But if I'm a player and coach was hustling a chance for us to go to the Cotton bowl instead of whatever bowl we blew Miami out in, then I'm all for coach to try and get us to the Cotton. I don't think a one day trip had anything to do with being blown out.
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  9. True Grit

    True Grit Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    Yes, he does. He always does good the first few seasons then starts doing horrible. He is not a good HC.
  10. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    that is not a winners' line of reasoning. if we WIN the seccg we play in the SUGAR BOWL.

    miles has learned quite a bit in his first two seasons at lsu. he even commented that if he had it over to do again, he'd pass on that trip to dallas.

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