I guess he’s right. It doesn’t really matter. What really matters is investigating trump. We can’t know if Biden is corrupt or giving up national secrets because there’s no fbi search warrant for it. Just the intelligence community telling us it’s a fake, and then it isn’t, but then it is. This is kind of why I see the fbi as a joke. But then again, once you get past the county and municipal level, police work isn’t really police work anymore.
https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/08...unter-biden-investigation-director-wray-says/ Here you go. Now we're talking about it. And here is what we know....the FBI is aggressively investigating it or so says FBI Director Wray, but this is what I just told you so it's not new news. If they find out the Joe or Hunter or any other Biden did something illegal then they should be indicted and prosecuted. See....that's not so hard. They are just politicians, not God's. Why do you treat Trump like he is?
Yes we can. Its from a hard-drive which has a signature. Are you saying that modern digital forensics is a scam?
Oooh no, bud. I don’t. Trump isn’t my guy. I can call out bias bullshit and not be a trump fan at the same time. I don’t get the complication in that.
Well then you surely have some evidence to support this. But I hardly believe that you are looking at the totality of information that the FBI is. Let's leave it to the professionals...
Fair enough. My bad...I shouldn't have made that assumption. Where's the bias? The Trump story is big news today, the Hunter Biden isn't. Maybe tomorrow that will change since the FBI is investigating it "aggressively." I could care less if Hunter Biden is indicted, it has absolutely no bearing on my life whatsoever.