You should look into dual booting between Windows and Ubuntu Linux. With linux you never have to worry about viruses for all practical purposes. With that big of a hard drive, you could easily pinch off about 200 GB for linux and still not be in danger of running out of hard drive space for several years. It's free, stable, and supported by a legion of programmers worldwide. There is nothing you can do on Windows that you can't do on Linux.
Only if you want to be legal. Perhaps the club has a license, they are the ones who will be sued if caught.
I have an IMAC. My two cents: they just work. They are not as great as the zealots claim nor as bad as the detractors claim. Since moving to IMAC I have eliminated 99.9% of programming incompat/glitches that used to rear their head frequently in PC world. Peace and digital harmony to all!
You are too easily insulted, chief. It was a comical remark. Add a sense of humor module while you are at it.