I can't get over the hump with the apple OS. I can't even figure out how to organize files. It pisses me off. Maybe one day. Right now I'm praying windows 9 is decent.
If you do get one of those ity bity Macs, make sure you get enough SSD space. It is soldered onto the motherboard of some of them.
I find this hard to believe, amigo. I think my beagle knows how to make links and folders, its is Excel that stumps him.
Just get you a regular PC mouse and you can still do all the right clicking. The only thing that was a learning process were commands. Instead if alt this or control that, it's apple (command) this or apple that. And windows has tried (with NO success) to duplicate that with the "windows" button.
I have both. The only reason I have a Mac is for the wife. Apple makes things so easy monkeys can use them. I prefer the PC to a Mac simply because of the user I am. Yes, Windows 8 had some issues, but I have been virus free on a windows machine for 10 years. The difference is you have to know what you are doing when Mac does it for you. My reason? Its a pain in the dick to upgrade a Mac. It is VERY easy to update my pc. Hardware wise.
The Apple mouse recognizes right clicking. Just because it doesn't have any buttons should not discourage you. It recognizes which side of the mouse you are clicking, try it. The new mouse also has a touchpad on top of the mouse that blows a click wheel away. When you get used to it you can really make it dance.
Depends on the mac. iMacs and MacBooks are designed to be sealed boxes for home use. Most home user are ready to upgrade to a new machine before having to replace a part. But the Mac Pros are designed for power users and allow extremely easy replacement/upgrading of hard drives, RAM, and even power supply and motherboard repairs. Plus you can go to the terminal and have full UNIX programming capability that will allow you to hack and modify your mac like mad. The new ones don't even have fans to fail and make noise.
I would vote MAC. I have been using IBMs (I am old school, PC's for you younguns) in business since they came out. Macs at home. Macs historically sucked if you wanted to do a lot of fancy stuff, such as code and that kind of crap. But they worked. They still work. I just put 8 GB of RAM in my IMAC several weeks ago. It took less than two minutes. I would not run an IMAC with less than 8G, I now have 12 and the performance is miraculous. Other than RAM, which is an absolute snap, get an IMAC with a 27" screen and there is no need to upgrade. And it works!